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Shilpa Agarwal

Auteur de Haunting Bombay

2 oeuvres 105 utilisateurs 7 critiques

A propos de l'auteur

Crédit image: Shilpa Agarwal, author of HAUNTING BOMBAY.

Œuvres de Shilpa Agarwal

Haunting Bombay (2009) 104 exemplaires
La casa de los aromas sagrados (2011) 1 exemplaire


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Bombay. Tras la trágica muerte de su madre, Pinky Mittal, una niña de trece años, vive a cargo de su abuela Maji, la cabeza de familia de los Mittal. La curiosidad de Pinky le hace indagar en los secretos familiares hasta el punto de descubrir la gran tragedia que se cierne sobre la familia Mittal. Tragedia que ha marcado a cada uno de sus miembros. Pinky se siente atraída de forma sobrenatural hacia la puerta del cuarto de baño de la casa. Una puerta misteriosa que Maji cierra con llave todas las noches y que está totalmente prohibida a los niños… La novela es, a su vez, una representación exquisita de la sociedad india, de sus supersticiones, sus limitaciones y sus hábitos. Todo aderezado con el exotismo de los sabores y colores de la India que tanto atrae a Occidente y que la autora es capaz de transmitir en el texto. Un deliciosa novela a través de la que degustamos los secretos inconfesables de la familia Mittal.… (plus d'informations)
Natt90 | Jul 6, 2022 |
wow.... (more to come)
ming.l | 5 autres critiques | Mar 31, 2013 |
Pinky Mittal is being raised by her grandmother after her mother's death when she was just a baby. Her life in the large bungalow in one of Bombay's most desirable neighborhoods in anything but happy. Her grandmother treats her kindly and the two have a loving relationship but her extended family is another matter. Her uncle is an alcoholic, her aunt makes her feel unwanted at every opportunity, the servants don't treat her badly but don't seem to care much for her, and her three cousins, all boys, are, well, boys.

One night, after humiliating herself in front of one of her cousins, Nimish who she secretly loves, she does something that throws the whole house into chaos. Pinky unlocks a bathroom door that is bolted each night unknowingly releasing a ghost that has remained dormant and hidden for years. When the monsoon season arrives, the ghost uses the water to escape and torments the family fully intending to take revenge for the years of being ignored and shut away.

I had trouble getting into this book. I wanted to like the characters but couldn't become attached. The family is dysfunctional but not any worse than one would expect with their history. It's easy to see why Pinky's aunt would be hostile towards her and why her uncle would be drowning himself in alcohol. I thought the ghost idea was a nice way to showcase the family's problems, but, honestly, I didn't really care what happened to any of them.

However, I'm glad I finished it. The story has a strange redeeming quality to it and after the last page, I did feel something for these people and the sad state of their lives. In the end, I was happy to see Pinky find herself and the courage to stand up to her aunt. It was also nice to see the family start to pull itself back together. I do wish I would have experienced more of the redeeming affect while I was reading; it would have made it much more enjoyable. In the end, it was an okay read but not a book I will go back to.
… (plus d'informations)
justabookreader | 5 autres critiques | Oct 26, 2009 |




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