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Like Silk

par Mary Lynn Baxter

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

The moment Collier Smith pulled to a stop on that rainy Tennessee mountain road and gently led the dazed, badly bruised woman into the warmth and safety of his car, his own life was shattered.

Brittany Banks was the wrong woman at the wrong time. But could there ever be a right time? He was a high-powered attorney on the fast track for a federal judgeship, engaged to a prominent socialite. Brittany Banks was a vulnerable beauty from the wrong side of town. And, in a cruel twist of fate, she was a reminder of the past he had struggled to forget. So why her, why now? Why this insatiable longing, this fierce need to protect her, to possess her--a need that will drive him deeper into her world...perhaps at the cost of his own.

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Mary Lynn Baxter is the author to read if you enjoy contemporary romances that give one the genuine remembrance of Harlequin romances.
From review of the 1st novel that I read by Mary Lynn Baxter...
When I finished the novel (His Touch), I read the author's background.
"Mary Lynn Baxter was born on 28 July 1943 in Lufkin, Texas, USA, where she bred, home of the cowboy - hero of the Western romance, which is one of the most popular of the category's sub-genres. She would be the first to say that it's her background that gives her a unique feel for romance writing.
Since she was a young girl, books and reading have been an important part of her life. Only after she read all the "goodies" in her public library did her mother encourage her to buy Harlequin romances, then 35 cents each."

The only thing I was missing was the beach. This is my interpretation of a "beach book." :) ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | Nov 9, 2019 |
This is the first book I've read by Baxter and I would be quick to read another of her stories. LS is a bit drawn out and you sometimes wonder if all the emotions are really necessary, but overall I really enjoyed Collier and Brittany as characters as well as their story. ( )
  lesmel | Jul 13, 2013 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

The moment Collier Smith pulled to a stop on that rainy Tennessee mountain road and gently led the dazed, badly bruised woman into the warmth and safety of his car, his own life was shattered.

Brittany Banks was the wrong woman at the wrong time. But could there ever be a right time? He was a high-powered attorney on the fast track for a federal judgeship, engaged to a prominent socialite. Brittany Banks was a vulnerable beauty from the wrong side of town. And, in a cruel twist of fate, she was a reminder of the past he had struggled to forget. So why her, why now? Why this insatiable longing, this fierce need to protect her, to possess her--a need that will drive him deeper into her world...perhaps at the cost of his own.


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