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Seven Trails West (1996)

par Arthur King Peters

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651418,308 (3.92)1
Seven Trails West tells many stories in one; the epic tale of determined men and women (some of them famous trailbreakers, some little known); the lures that attracted these pragmatic dreamers to the West; and the ordeals and disappointments they overcame along the way. Richly illustrated with archival photos, paintings, maps, and documents, this exhilarating book offers the general reader a vivid overview of the western trail network that bound an immature nation together and provided an armature for later development. By turns an inspiring and disturbing account, Seven Trails West explores the virtues and vices, the triumphs and failures of the greatest voluntary mass migration in history. The critical yet still little-known role played by the trails in this migration is vital for understanding how America came to be.… (plus d'informations)

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Examines the history of the U.S. westward expansion by tracing that expansion over 7 different "trails", including the travels of Lewis & Clark, two of the major trails, the Mormon trail, the Pony Express and the transcontinental telegraph and railroad. Engaging text and a lot of illustrations make this an effective history. ( )
  drruth | Jun 15, 2006 |
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To my wife, Sarah, with whom I first crossed the Mississippi in 1946
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(Introduction) In less than sixty-five years, from November 17, 1805, when Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean, to May 10, 1869, when the Golden Spike was pounded home, America's western frontier leaped two thousand miles from the Mississippi River to the westernmost edge of the continent.
The American trails west began in Paris.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Seven Trails West tells many stories in one; the epic tale of determined men and women (some of them famous trailbreakers, some little known); the lures that attracted these pragmatic dreamers to the West; and the ordeals and disappointments they overcame along the way. Richly illustrated with archival photos, paintings, maps, and documents, this exhilarating book offers the general reader a vivid overview of the western trail network that bound an immature nation together and provided an armature for later development. By turns an inspiring and disturbing account, Seven Trails West explores the virtues and vices, the triumphs and failures of the greatest voluntary mass migration in history. The critical yet still little-known role played by the trails in this migration is vital for understanding how America came to be.

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