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Ether: Seven Stories and a Novella

par Evgenia Citkowitz

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304815,775 (3)1
In "Leavers' Events," a teenage girl awaits exam results and has a sexual encounter with a teacher that she hopes will define her. In "Sunday's Child," a middle-aged actress evicts a homeless woman from her garden, which precipitates a crisis of conscience. In "The Bachelor's Table," a lawyer takes advantage of an accounting mistake and sets in motion a sequence of events that force him to evaluate his actions. In the title story, "Ether," a blocked writer plagiarizes his own life with devastating consequences. All the characters in Evgenia Citkowitz's first collection of short fiction are connected by the quest for identity. Some are poised at a crossroads, while others teeter on the edge of a moral precipice. The stories are startlingly original, haunting, and often funny. From a hamster cage in Los Angeles to the bowels of the great houses of London and Long Island, Citkowitz depicts her characters' frailties and humanity with a mordant humor and tenderness that never diminish theircomplexity.… (plus d'informations)

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I thought these were ho-hum. Good ideas but nothing substanial. I didn't make it through to the novella. ( )
  laurenbufferd | Nov 14, 2016 |
Ether, the debut volume by Evgenia Citkowitz, consists of seven edgy short stories and an even edgier novella. These are stories peopled largely by characters who have given up on youthful dreams and ambitions, or who feel guilty for their own achievements. Either way, the feeling of being thwarted—by success or failure—seems in each case to lead to a neurosis or a struggle to forge a new identity. The book opens with “Happy Love.” In this story Candayce takes her daughter Elizabeth to Europe for two months. The lengthy absence means having to board Elizabeth’s pet hamster Peanut, who is taken in by Uma, Candayce’s friend and yoga instructor. On their return, mother and daughter fetch Peanut from Uma, but the animal they retrieve looks and behaves nothing like the hamster they left behind. Uma’s defensive and subtly hostile response to Candayce’s questions finally doom the friendship, and Candayce is left with suspicions (but no evidence) that Uma is covering up some mishap by pawning off an imposter on her. In “The Bachelor’s Table” a young lawyer impulsively purchases an expensive table at an antique shop for a price he knows is well below its actual market value, only to be tracked down later by the woman who sold it to him who admits her mistake and pleads with him to pay the difference or return it. Annoyed that he can’t subdue his conscience he gives in and returns the table, but not before exacting a petty revenge. And in the title novella, “Ether,” a severely blocked writer named William, seeking some sort of creative spark, moves from New York to Los Angeles. Here he falls in love with a young movie starlet, Madeline. Covering the span of their brief marriage, the novella utilizes a large cast of diverse characters to depict William and Madeline pursuing separate creative outlets that ultimately lead to the dissolution of their relationship. Citkowitz’s narratives are heavily spiced with irony, and while her characters are certainly interesting, no one here is particularly admirable or likeable. Throughout the volume the writing is sharp and witty and filled with barbed observations about modern life in America. Mothers and daughters are in for a particularly rough time in these pages. Ether is an assured and entertaining volume from a writer who apparently holds nothing sacred. Recommended. ( )
  icolford | May 25, 2014 |
Loved the short stories, especially 'The Clearance', with its old house, strange visitor, paranormal feel.

Could not finish the title novella, so this book ends up being a DNF. Perhaps I'll come back to it in a few months and try 'Ether' again.
  alyslinn | May 25, 2013 |
This book is comprised of seven short stories (one very, very short indeed) and the title story, a novella. These stories are little jewels. They cut to the heart; the characters are depicted without mercy but with dark humor. These are people whose lives have taken turns they hadn’t planned on, as happens to all of us. Most have come from dysfunctional families, and we see how some have succumbed to that and some have survived and been made stronger. A couple of the stories brush up against surrealism without stepping into it. At first glance, some of the stories seem slight, but on reflection, they are deep. ( )
  lauriebrown54 | Dec 10, 2010 |
4 sur 4
Although Citkowitz trawls familiar territory (a schoolgirl engineers a sexual encounter with a teacher; a blocked writer marries a starlet half his age; an aimless, privileged woman is abandoned by her husband), what she does with this material is unexpected and often startling.
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In "Leavers' Events," a teenage girl awaits exam results and has a sexual encounter with a teacher that she hopes will define her. In "Sunday's Child," a middle-aged actress evicts a homeless woman from her garden, which precipitates a crisis of conscience. In "The Bachelor's Table," a lawyer takes advantage of an accounting mistake and sets in motion a sequence of events that force him to evaluate his actions. In the title story, "Ether," a blocked writer plagiarizes his own life with devastating consequences. All the characters in Evgenia Citkowitz's first collection of short fiction are connected by the quest for identity. Some are poised at a crossroads, while others teeter on the edge of a moral precipice. The stories are startlingly original, haunting, and often funny. From a hamster cage in Los Angeles to the bowels of the great houses of London and Long Island, Citkowitz depicts her characters' frailties and humanity with a mordant humor and tenderness that never diminish theircomplexity.

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