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Shadowheart (Shadowmarch) par Tad Williams

Shadowheart (Shadowmarch) (original 2010; édition 2012)

par Tad Williams

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7202032,907 (3.97)16
Something is awakening underneath Southmarch Castle, something powerful and terrible that the world has not seen for thousands of years. Can its young defenders Barrick and Briony, along with a tiny handful of allies, ordinary and extraordinary, find a way to save their world and prevent the rise of a terrible new age--an age of unending darkness?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Shadowheart (Shadowmarch)
Auteurs:Tad Williams
Info:DAW (2012), Edition: Reprint, Mass Market Paperback, 880 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Shadowheart par Tad Williams (2010)


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Everything comes to a head, of course, in the last part of the book. I still have mixed feelings, engaged one minute, disengaged the next, but it was a massive undertaking. I think Williams worked hard to create, in the twins, two royals who are not particularly 'nice' or easy to identify with -- convincingly strong characters full of pride, the arrogance of having been treated 'special' all their lives, lack of interest in hearing other points of view etcetera. I also think Williams decided to take a page out of QEI's playbook and that was, in the end, kind of fun. I sense too a connection to P.C. Hodgell's extraordinary work (God Stalk and the next eight books after that).
Anyhow, I am in awe of so much hard work. When it was good, it was very very good and I'll leave it at that -- an almost four stars effort. ***3/4 ( )
  sibylline | Sep 4, 2024 |
Would give it a 3.5 if Goodreads allowed it. I loved the series, but found myself saying "Is that it?" at the end. I swear to you the story just stopped. It ended with a period, but felt like it was mid-sentence. For a series that was extended an additional book so the author could properly finish--that is unforgivable. I will admit that if I think over every major and some minor characters, okay, I guess sime stories could be ended there, but to leave us hanging with Briony and Barrick is a major faux pas. At least give me an epilogue 50 or 100 years later (I know, predictable) that shows me the state of the kingdoms.

Heavy sigh....

My only other complaint is that Mr. Williams REALLY needs help with the romance angle. The major romance scenes where the main characters confess their love actually felt uncomfortable to read it was so awkwardly written. I could/would totally overlook the romance angle were it not for the ending.

I wonder if Mr. Williams got sick or a new editor. Maybe the publisher told him to get on with it. Okay, I'm stopping now befor I downgrade to 2.5 stars ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
I made it. It took me two and a half years, but I finally finished this series. The fact that I stuck it out means I did come to care about the characters and the world. But I will approach any future zillion page fantasy series by Tad a little more cautiously.

Otherland was much better IMO. Perhaps there were too many standard fantasy tropes here: dwarves, elves, magic, gods, etc.

Williams can still write better than most modern fantasy authors, but he needs a really good, ruthless editor. ( )
  roguelike | Feb 4, 2024 |
I think I enjoyed the final book more than any of the others but I think I can also see why I didn't finish this series when it first came out. It's just rather a slog at times. MST is much, much better - read that first!
I never expect TW to start fast but usually after a slow start he manages to grab me and you start to care about the characters. But that never really happened for me in Shadowmarch, especially the two main characters Briony and Barrick. I just never cared that much about them and their problems. Some of the side characters are involving e.g Chert, Vansen and even the damsel in distress Quinnatan. All the strands come together at the end for the big battle - some of which went on for far too long. I would also have liked to find out what the Autarch planned earlier in the story as it would have given the story more momentum.
So I am glad I finally get to tick this off my plan for this year but it will be my least favourite of TW's series. ( )
  infjsarah | May 3, 2021 |
What Tad Williams does good, he does very, very good. I'll give him that. The ending of this huge Fantasy series is sufficiently huge, magical, war-driven, god-killing, and mad enough to fill the hearts of any epic fantasy fan.

Williams takes his time to build everything so very slowly until it all comes crashing together and we're left breathless.

On the other hand, stories like this are still only as good as the characters that drive them. And if you're dealing with a huge cast of characters, they really need to have a lot of interesting situations, interesting responses, and general likability. I'd give half the cast here that accolade. The other half, however, either bored me or just made me want to hurry through and get to the good stuff.

Briony is the huge issue. Her brother Barrick is just fine.

I tried. I really tried. She has aspects about her that I liked intellectually and not all of her storyline was a complete waste, but I never felt emotionally invested.

Overlooking that, I really enjoyed most of the Funderlings, the fae-call out, the dead or dying gods, the dreaming, the con, the mad immortals, the sacrifices, and the siege of the world. No complaints there. :)

It's just unfortunate I couldn't have enjoyed the entire sequence equally. Too many bits seemed too long, in need of a big shave. The plotting sometimes seemed pointless or just a way to get from point A to point B because I wasn't invested in some of the characters. But then again, maybe it's just me.

I can't say this is more than an above-average epic fantasy. Flawed, still good. ( )
  bradleyhorner | Jun 1, 2020 |
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Our children Connor and Devon still think that getting a grown-up book dedicated to them instead of one of our more kid-oriented books is kind of a rip-off. I told them that one day they will be grown-ups just like us, but they refuse to believe anything so horrid and unfair could happen to such nice children.

(It'll be fun watching them learn better. Actually, it'll be fun watching them no matter what.) Remember, you wonderful beasts, we love you hugely--but don't make me come back there.
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Something is awakening underneath Southmarch Castle, something powerful and terrible that the world has not seen for thousands of years. Can its young defenders Barrick and Briony, along with a tiny handful of allies, ordinary and extraordinary, find a way to save their world and prevent the rise of a terrible new age--an age of unending darkness?

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