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The Parisian Prodigal

par Alan Gordon

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693391,461 (3.95)2
In 1205, Theophilosa fool by trade, a family man by choice, and a spy by designbelongs, along with his family, to the Fools Guild, a group that secretly maintains the fragile order of society. In Toulouse, that order is threatened when, unexpectedly, a man claiming to be a full brother of the ruling count is found one morning in a local bordello next to a dead whore, killed with his own sword. Now, Theophilos and his family must uncover the truth.… (plus d'informations)

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3 sur 3
Different characters for a medieval mystery but it works well ( )
  jamespurcell | Aug 13, 2020 |
Set in Toulouse. A prostitute is killed in bed with the Count's brother. Convoluted reasons discovered by Theo and Claudid, Fools. The Fool sleuth works very well, funny wordplay is very entertaining, everyone has a back story that's interestingly woven in with the others. Good puzzler, good evocation of times without too much detail. Characters' affection is a strong point. ( )
  jenzbaker | Jan 23, 2015 |
Follow the Chief Fool of Toulouse through the twists and turns of this engaging medieval mystery. In the 8th installment of the Fools' Guild Mysteries, the fool Theophilos or Theo (a.k.a. Tan Pierre) and his family are still living in Toulouse. Count Raimon VI is the current ruler of Toulouse and favored by the guild.

When a stranger from Paris, called Baudoin, shows up proclaiming to be the Count's long lost brother, things start to get interesting. As Baudoin's claims are being looked into, Baudoin is found sleeping next to a dead prostitute in a bordello. Baudoin steadfastly insists that he is innocent and beseeches Theo to clear his name.

Only the fools Theo and his clever wife, Claudia, are crafty enough to get to the bottom of things. With the help of their apprentice, Helga, the fools must hurry to uncover the truth before a condemned man is hanged.

The Bottom Line: This highly entertaining mystery gives readers a peek into the live of jesters who did more than just entertain. It is told from the first person point of view of not one, but two, characters: Theo and Claudia. Author Alan Gordon includes fascinating historical details that make the characters and era come alive. Although this is the 8th book in the series, I was able to delve into it without feeling lost. It would be helpful, however, if a glossary were included. In sum, Theo and his family make for fun weekend reading for mystery buffs who want to try something new.

This review also appears at the Mini Book Bytes Book Review blog: ( )
  aya.herron | Sep 4, 2010 |
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In 1205, Theophilosa fool by trade, a family man by choice, and a spy by designbelongs, along with his family, to the Fools Guild, a group that secretly maintains the fragile order of society. In Toulouse, that order is threatened when, unexpectedly, a man claiming to be a full brother of the ruling count is found one morning in a local bordello next to a dead whore, killed with his own sword. Now, Theophilos and his family must uncover the truth.

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