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Valleysong: An Anthology Echoing the Rhythm and Cadence of Life in the Rio Grande Valley

par Texas Rio Writers

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Grackles and ghosts, hurricanes and hunting, the VTC and HEB, bandanas and the Basilica, floozies and folklore-Valleysong captures the distinctive cadence of the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
Récemment ajouté parennuiprayer, Lavinient

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The most important thing in any culture is stories, a history. Folklore that is passed from father to son across generations are essential. I don't know where I would be had it not been for the "camp fire" stories from my grandfather, or those moralistic tales told by my grandmother. Valleysong is a collection of such stories, essays that remember the past of looking toward the future.

With my grandfather's passing when I was just in third grade, the ghost stories came to an end. At least, for a couple of decades. When I started writing, I focused on the present. These days, I think about the past. Who was I? How did I come to this place?

I may not be a writer of the tortilla story. I may not be a writer who has lived in the age when the Valley was still young. And may never be able to write an authentic story of the yesteryear. What I am sure of is that the writers featured in Valleysong - my friends, my second family - are that voice.

So who will tell our stories? Who will record our histories? Pues, I'll tell you who: Siân Taylor Gonzalez, Ann Greenfield, Elizabeth Gearhart, Judith Bowen, Olga Valle-Herr, Audrey Engels, Euchay Ngozi Horsman, Richard Sanchez, James C.H. Evins, Virginia Villarreal Mann, Jan Seale, Barbara Barens Ertl, Anne Estevis, Peggy Snodgrass and B.J. Ewing. ( )
  ennuiprayer | Jan 14, 2022 |
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Grackles and ghosts, hurricanes and hunting, the VTC and HEB, bandanas and the Basilica, floozies and folklore-Valleysong captures the distinctive cadence of the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

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