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Perfectly Dateless: A Universally Misunderstood Novel

par Kristin Billerbeck

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954294,731 (3.06)1
Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. Bestselling novelist now pens her first novel for teen girls, about a high school girl whose parents won't let her date.

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4 sur 4
"1 out of 5 stars. I must be a part of the group of people who have misunderstood this book since I just didn't like it at all. I dunno, I mean the message of the book was good. And don't get me wrong I have read some Christian fiction books before and there were a few that I did like. But this one..."

Read more of this review and a TEASER here: ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Feb 14, 2019 |
NCLA Review -Daisy Crispin's dream is to end her senior year of high school going on her first date to the prom. She has very strict Christian parents that don't allow her much freedom. She and her friend, Claire, are nobodies at school. Claire comes up with a plan that would make them the most popular kids in school. They will throw a party at Claire's house. Her parents are away and it seems like the perfect thing to do until things go drastically wrong. With no date, the prom is less than the perfect night Daisy dreamed about, until an unlikely hero comes to her rescue. Young adult readers will relate to the struggles of trying to fit in while in high school. Rating: 4 —NP ( )
  ncla | May 17, 2011 |
(Review originally posted on my blog, Literary Coldcuts on Toasty Buns.)

In this novel, Billerbeck has crafted a relatable, realistic teenager with eccentric parents and a best friend who I think I actually liked more than the main character, Daisy... oops!

The story is a growth tale for Daisy, who starts off without a whole lot of backbone and grows into her own skin over the course of the novel. She makes plenty of mistakes along the way -- some a little surprising and impulsive, just like you might imagine a teen would -- and has to face the consequences of these actions when things inevitably go wrong.

What I liked about this novel is what I tend to like about all of Billerbeck's works: No one is perfect. Daisy's parents are very eccentric, strict Christians who mean well and want the best for their daughter, but under their put-together front, they have their own secrets and blemishes. All good people have faults. All 'bad' people have some good. That's life, and no one can be painted with just one brush stroke.

What I didn't like about the novel is, again, what sometimes irks me about Billerbeck's works: The dialogue seems to get wonky at times. Sometimes I don't see a logical flow through people's conversations, and I have to re-read entire sections to figure out what the heck people are talking about. But then I wonder, since this happens consistently in her novels (note that it hasn't deterred me from reading & enjoying her books), I wonder if this is a geographical thing. Maybe they really talk like that in California! Who knows!

Without giving away anything from the story, I was also a little disappointed that Daisy's desire to study neuroscience in college wasn't addressed to completion. I found her resignation at the end of the novel and the lack of further discussion with her parents incomplete -- she gave in too easily, instead of fighting for her dreams. At least, that's how it seemed to me... but I think there may be more books featuring Daisy in the future, so maybe that was left unresolved for the sake of addressing it in later books. I wish I could elaborate more on this particular point, but I don't want to give anything away!

In Conclusion...

Billerbeck's latest is a sweet tale for Young Adults, particularly Christian teens whose parents seem too strict in their eyes (so... all teenagers in the history of the world, is what I'm trying to say... haha). It's the author's first foray into the YA genre, but I think she pulled it off well and her writing style suits the audience.

If you know a Christian teen who might need to read a book like this, put it on the Christmas list! Or, add it to your church library... or just go grab a copy and read it for yourself :) If you enjoy it, be sure to pick up one of Billerbeck's adult novels as well (I recommend Split Ends).

About the Author

Kristin Billerbeck is the bestselling, award-winning author of several novels, including What a Girl Wants. A Christy Award finalist and two-time winner of the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year, Billerbeck has appeared on The Today Show and has been featured in the New York Times. She lives with her family in northern California.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications Inc. Available now at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. ( )
  dk_phoenix | Aug 3, 2010 |
Personally, I loved this book and read it in only a couple of days. It follows Daisy through her senior year of high school in a private Christian School. She grew up in a Christian home, with rather strict parents. Determined to attend prom, she'll do whatever it takes to breaks away from her background and be a normal teenager with a real life. Even if it means having the wildest party ever, and ignoring her conscience...I really liked the ending. She ends up with the perfect prom date. I can't say who; but he is everything her Christian parents approve of. ( )
  onlyhope1912 | Jun 29, 2010 |
4 sur 4
1 out of 5 stars. I must be a part of the group of people who have misunderstood this book since I just didn't like it at all. I dunno, I mean the message of the book was good. And don't get me wrong I have read some Christian fiction books before and there were a few that I did like. But this one rubbed me the wrong way I guess. I really can't stand "preachy" books and Daisy's parents were very "preachy". However, I will admit that I liked how Daisy dealt with her parents, and she was a good main character. I'm not to sure about her best friend Claire. I really think Daisy should have found a new best friend, since while I thought Daisy's parents were "preachy", Claire pushed her views onto Daisy too and I have never liked that about people.

Side note -- I just have to say ... where can I order myself a Max?! ALSO -- she has a great "fairy godmother" of a boss, which after you read the explanation of him is kind of surprising. =0)

On the other hand, when going to there were quite a few positive reviews on the book -- so those of you who are fans of Christian books might like and appreciate this book more so then I did.

Read more of this review and a TEASER here: https://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot...

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Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. Bestselling novelist now pens her first novel for teen girls, about a high school girl whose parents won't let her date.

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