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Expecting: Praying for Your Child's Development-Body and Soul

par Marla Taviano

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Wrap Your New Baby in Prayer Just as the heart of your baby begins to beat and as little ears take shape, speak words of prayer asking for a heart that beats for God and for ears that listen for His leading. This beautiful prayer book will guide you as you pray for your child's physical growth as well as his or her spiritual growth. The precious forty weeks of creation will become even more meaningful as you reflect on the illustrations that depict your baby's development. Each week you will be blessed with: A prayer for your child's body and soul A devotional message A carefully selected scripture An inspirational quote A "body and soul" reflection for mom A space for you to journal your own thoughts and prayers Create a keepsake you and your child will cherish forever… (plus d'informations)

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I read this book weekly. Expecting describes what is taking place with mom & baby and provides a prayer for your child as well. It also has a space for a journal entry to document your current feelings. I look forward to reading it each week. ( )
  T_Renee | Apr 10, 2010 |
As I close the cover of this little book I have a few tears in my eyes. I could easily blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but that would only be half true. The idea of imagining that it is really only days if not weeks that I will be able to meet my little girl is unreal. What is funny to me is the part that I read at the last chapter that really gave me tears was the mention that as the mother I will not be the only one with tears, but Daddy will have them too. *grin* I never much think of my husband crying, or having tears run down his cheeks. But it was he that had tears of joy at our wedding and I was too astonished to have any myself. I just could not help but smile at him. How appropriate is it, that the idea of my first child being born reminds me wedding day. *sigh* Taviano really has a way with prayer and words through out this little devotional and I look forward to looking into some of her other books such as [b:Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time A Reflective Journey Through Your Child's First Years|2196312|Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time A Reflective Journey Through Your Child's First Years|Marla Taviano||2202058]. This book goes for 40 weeks to follow each week of pregnancy with tips and prayers. Each week chapter consists of: - a prayer for your child's body and soul - a devotional message - a carefully selected scripture - an inspirational quote - a "body and soul" reflection for mom - a space for you to journal your own thoughts and prayers. Without a doubt I would recommend this to every Mama who is expecting. It is a fabulous devotional for her own growth and would make a great gift. My only qualm was that I did not get a copy of it until after I was 20 weeks pregnant, I wish I had started earlier, but I still enjoyed going back and catching up where I missed. ( )
  cherryblossommj | Dec 14, 2009 |
As I close the cover of this little book I have a few tears in my eyes. I could easily blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but that would only be half true. The idea of imagining that it is really only days if not weeks that I will be able to meet my little girl is unreal. What is funny to me is the part that I read at the last chapter that really gave me tears was the mention that as the mother I will not be the only one with tears, but Daddy will have them too. *grin* I never much think of my husband crying, or having tears run down his cheeks. But it was he that had tears of joy at our wedding and I was too astonished to have any myself. I just could not help but smile at him. How appropriate is it, that the idea of my first child being born reminds me wedding day. *sigh* Taviano really has a way with prayer and words through out this little devotional and I look forward to looking into some of her other books such as [b:Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time A Reflective Journey Through Your Child's First Years|2196312|Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time A Reflective Journey Through Your Child's First Years|Marla Taviano||2202058]. This book goes for 40 weeks to follow each week of pregnancy with tips and prayers. Each week chapter consists of: - a prayer for your child's body and soul - a devotional message - a carefully selected scripture - an inspirational quote - a "body and soul" reflection for mom - a space for you to journal your own thoughts and prayers. Without a doubt I would recommend this to every Mama who is expecting. It is a fabulous devotional for her own growth and would make a great gift. My only qualm was that I did not get a copy of it until after I was 20 weeks pregnant, I wish I had started earlier, but I still enjoyed going back and catching up where I missed. ( )
  cherryblossommj | Dec 14, 2009 |
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Wrap Your New Baby in Prayer Just as the heart of your baby begins to beat and as little ears take shape, speak words of prayer asking for a heart that beats for God and for ears that listen for His leading. This beautiful prayer book will guide you as you pray for your child's physical growth as well as his or her spiritual growth. The precious forty weeks of creation will become even more meaningful as you reflect on the illustrations that depict your baby's development. Each week you will be blessed with: A prayer for your child's body and soul A devotional message A carefully selected scripture An inspirational quote A "body and soul" reflection for mom A space for you to journal your own thoughts and prayers Create a keepsake you and your child will cherish forever

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