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Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther par…

Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther (original 1950; édition 2013)

par Roland H. Bainton (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,788193,434 (4.2)16
"I cannot and will not recant!…Here I stand." This authoritative and inspiring story paints a vivid portrait of the crusader who spearheaded the Reformation. Considered one of the most readable biographies of Martin Luther, this volume looks at the German religious reformer and his influence on Western civilization. Martin Luther entered a monastery as a youth and as a man shattered the structure of the medieval church, speaking out against the corrupt religious practices of the time. His demand that the authority for doctrine and practice be scriptures, rather than popes or councils, echoed around the world and ignited the great Reformation. Accused of heresy and threatened with excommunication and death, Luther maintained his bold stand and refused to recant. In his crusade to eliminate religious abuses, he did more than any other man to establish the Protestant faith. With sound historical scholarship and penetrating insight, Roland Bainton examines Luther's widespread influence. He re-creates the spiritual setting of the sixteenth century, showing Luther's place within it and influence upon it. Here I Stand dramatically brings to life Martin Luther, the great reformer.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther
Auteurs:Roland H. Bainton (Auteur)
Info:Abingdon Press (2013), Edition: Reprint, 464 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther par Roland Bainton (1950)

Récemment ajouté parcathy573, RedemptionOPC, chrishall1, JodieMc, serufener, MountCarmelBC, StPaulCenter
Bibliothèques historiquesGillian Rose, Thomas Mann

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» Voir aussi les 16 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
Very dense and worth the effort. ( )
  zot79 | Aug 20, 2023 |
Great biography of Martin Luther, the reformer of the 1500s. ( )
  kslade | Dec 8, 2022 |
what a wonderful surprise of a book!!! i had no background on it... but WOW!!! more than a biography... lots of explaining and reconciling. this book is GREAT! ( )
  Isaiah40 | Sep 7, 2021 |

This was a great book. It brought Martin Luther’s life.... to life. I have always loved reading about Luther but this really helped synthesize all of the history that I have read about him. The book was well written and I found it easy to read. ( )
  donbarger | Mar 27, 2020 |
Here I Stand : A Life of Martin Luther, by Roland Bainton, is considered one of the best biographies of Luther. It has been a classic for many years and is easy to read and has many woodcut illustrations. This is one of the source books Dr. Dwight Johnson used in writing his wonderful play. It is found in the Biography section under the number B/LUT.
  salem.colorado | Sep 23, 2017 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Roland Baintonauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Dörries, HermannTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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On a sultry day in July of the year 1505 a lonely traveler was trudging over a parched road on the outskirts of the Saxon village of Stotternheim.
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"I cannot and will not recant!…Here I stand." This authoritative and inspiring story paints a vivid portrait of the crusader who spearheaded the Reformation. Considered one of the most readable biographies of Martin Luther, this volume looks at the German religious reformer and his influence on Western civilization. Martin Luther entered a monastery as a youth and as a man shattered the structure of the medieval church, speaking out against the corrupt religious practices of the time. His demand that the authority for doctrine and practice be scriptures, rather than popes or councils, echoed around the world and ignited the great Reformation. Accused of heresy and threatened with excommunication and death, Luther maintained his bold stand and refused to recant. In his crusade to eliminate religious abuses, he did more than any other man to establish the Protestant faith. With sound historical scholarship and penetrating insight, Roland Bainton examines Luther's widespread influence. He re-creates the spiritual setting of the sixteenth century, showing Luther's place within it and influence upon it. Here I Stand dramatically brings to life Martin Luther, the great reformer.

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