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par Inger Wolf

Séries: Daniel Trokic (3)

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On an early morning in May, the police find the heavily beaten body of Maja Nielsen in a public park in central Aarhus in Denmark. She has fallen from a great height and her right arm has been cut repeatedly. Everything points to a suicide, and as the police dig deeper into the world of Maja, they discover a young woman plagued by paranoia and violent nightmares. Something was tormenting her. The investigation leads Daniel Trokic and his team to a distinct blood profile with traces of an unknown drug, a tattooed Colombian, and a particularly uncompromising animal rights activist who has been run over in a hit-and-run accident. SONGBIRD is the third book in the bestselling Scandinavian mystery series about Police Inspector Daniel Trokic, his colleague Lisa Kornelius, and the rest of the investigative unit at Århus Police station.… (plus d'informations)

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The body of Maja Nielsen is found in a public park in central Aarhus in Denmark, with injuries consistent with a fall from a very tall structure. Meanwhile an animal activist is in hospital as a result of an hit and run. Daniel Trokic and his team investigate both crimes.
I enjoyed this mystery story, another good tale in this series ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
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On an early morning in May, the police find the heavily beaten body of Maja Nielsen in a public park in central Aarhus in Denmark. She has fallen from a great height and her right arm has been cut repeatedly. Everything points to a suicide, and as the police dig deeper into the world of Maja, they discover a young woman plagued by paranoia and violent nightmares. Something was tormenting her. The investigation leads Daniel Trokic and his team to a distinct blood profile with traces of an unknown drug, a tattooed Colombian, and a particularly uncompromising animal rights activist who has been run over in a hit-and-run accident. SONGBIRD is the third book in the bestselling Scandinavian mystery series about Police Inspector Daniel Trokic, his colleague Lisa Kornelius, and the rest of the investigative unit at Århus Police station.

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