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Write Your College Essay in Less Than a Day

par Elizabeth Wissner-Gross

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Strategies from a noted educational consultant on how to ease the pressure, ace the essay, and gain admission into your top-choice school Getting into college has become fiercely competitive, which makes the personal-essay part of the application process even more important-and stressful. But stop worrying! In Write Your College Essay in Less Than a Day, Elizabeth Wissner-Gross-a top educational strategist in this area who counsels students at schools across the country-breaks down the harrowing ordeal of essay writing into manageable steps, leaving you with a fresh, polished, stand-out piece that admissions officers will love to read. Inside you'll find * exercises to help you select an essay topic inspired by your most notable achievements-and winning a Nobel Prize needn't be one of them * timed chapters (including snack breaks) to help you brainstorm, create, and critique your essay in only five hours * sample essays and grading criteria so that you can play the admissions officer-and know what you're up against * advice on which writing techniques will score you points-and which could potentially sink your chances Accessible, savvy, and written with a student's needs and concerns in mind, Write Your College Essay in Less Than a Day gives you all the tools you need to compose an original, professional essay that will help you turn your dream school into a well-deserved reality.… (plus d'informations)

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Here the author of two excellent works on the college application process addresses how to write the critical essay.

Introduction: Why you need this course
p. xii, Six essay prompts
Directions: This Section Helps You Know How to Approach This Course
Chapter 1 Start with the Guidelines
Don’t Worry About the topic Yet—First You Need to Know the Rules
Chapter 2 Criteria and Scoring Points
Your Turn to be the Admissions Officer
Chapter 3 Your Message
What Your Essay Must Say
Chapter Four Now It’s Time to Pick a Topic
Chapter 5 The Structure of Your Essay
Chapter 6 Grade Your Own Essay
Chapter 7 The Diversity Essay
Chapter 8 The Why Do You Want to Come Here Essay
Chapter 9 Describe Your Most Meaningful Activity Essay
Chapter 10 Describe an Issue and It’s Importance to You
Chapter 11 Describe a Person, Character, or Artwork with Significant Influence on You
  gmicksmith | Jul 5, 2020 |
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Strategies from a noted educational consultant on how to ease the pressure, ace the essay, and gain admission into your top-choice school Getting into college has become fiercely competitive, which makes the personal-essay part of the application process even more important-and stressful. But stop worrying! In Write Your College Essay in Less Than a Day, Elizabeth Wissner-Gross-a top educational strategist in this area who counsels students at schools across the country-breaks down the harrowing ordeal of essay writing into manageable steps, leaving you with a fresh, polished, stand-out piece that admissions officers will love to read. Inside you'll find * exercises to help you select an essay topic inspired by your most notable achievements-and winning a Nobel Prize needn't be one of them * timed chapters (including snack breaks) to help you brainstorm, create, and critique your essay in only five hours * sample essays and grading criteria so that you can play the admissions officer-and know what you're up against * advice on which writing techniques will score you points-and which could potentially sink your chances Accessible, savvy, and written with a student's needs and concerns in mind, Write Your College Essay in Less Than a Day gives you all the tools you need to compose an original, professional essay that will help you turn your dream school into a well-deserved reality.

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