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Our Front Pages: 21 Years of Greatness, Virtue, and Moral Rectitude from America's Finest News Source (Onion Presents)

par The Onion

Séries: The Onion (book 10)

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1282220,879 (3.79)1
Celebrating 20 years of "The Onion," this irreverent, smart, and wonderfully wry collection--with commentary--features the very best of the publication's front pages from 1988 to 2008. Full color throughout.

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Some fave headlines: Grandfather Clocked; Bush Announces Iraq Exit Strategy: 'We'll Go Through Iran'; Cost of Living Now Outweighs Benefits; Greasy Spoon Has Crusty Forks; Oprah Stuns Audience With Free Man Giveaway; Inner-City Prodigy Earns GED at Age 11; Bush Urges Nation To Be Quiet For A Minute While He Tries To Think; Nation's Gentrified Neighborhoods Threatened By Aristocratization; New Linens-N-Shit Opens. And the Obama headlines: Black Guy Asks Nation For Change; Obama's Hillbilly Half-Brother Threatening To Derail Campaign; Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job.

Ahaha! I love The Onion... ( )
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
A humorous snapshot of twenty years worth of The Onion's front pages. The Onion is a satirical newspaper which misguided people frequently quote from as a true source. While I enjoyed browsing this book, the fact that it was ONLY the front page of each issue left me wishing I could read the entire stories and not just the snippet that started on the front page. I also wish there had been a little more history of the paper. I'd recommend this for any diehard Onion fans, but people unfamiliar with it should pass. ( )
  kqueue | Jun 23, 2010 |
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The Onion, which built its national audience online, remains tied to the look and rhythm of a printed newspaper, where headlines huff decorously for attention, and the articles that follow are largely excuses for the headlines. Satire generally arises from a congenitally glum disposition, and many of the early front pages reflect an apocalyptic or just plain bummed starting point... But there is also a closet optimism running through these pages, a dweebish belief that news about other dweebs is not only readable and entertaining but newsworthy as well.

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The Onion (book 10)
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Celebrating 20 years of "The Onion," this irreverent, smart, and wonderfully wry collection--with commentary--features the very best of the publication's front pages from 1988 to 2008. Full color throughout.

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