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Million-Dollar Throw par Mike Lupica

Million-Dollar Throw (édition 2010)

par Mike Lupica

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1,0832119,543 (3.94)Aucun
Eighth-grade star quarterback Nate Brodie's family is feeling the stress of the troubled economy, and Nate is frantic because his best friend Abby is going blind, so when he gets a chance to win a million dollars if he can complete a pass during the halftime of a New England Patriot's game, he is nearly overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Million-Dollar Throw
Auteurs:Mike Lupica
Info:Puffin (2010), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 272 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Million-Dollar Throw par Mike Lupica


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I listened to this book with my boys. Despite the fact they aren't really sports-orientedkids, we all enjoyed this book and rooting for the main character, Nate. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Nate Brodie "Brady" is a quarterback who has a chance to win a million dollars if he can throw one pass at a Patriots game at the target. His family needs the money due to his dad's job downsizing and his mother working two jobs. HIs best friend Abby is slowly losing her sight which is bad for her because she is an artist. ( )
  taralentz | Jul 31, 2020 |
The book was about a kid named Mate (aka brady) who is very good at football. His best friend is turning blind and at the same time his dad most his job making him as well as his whife work more. Now nate has all this pressure plus he got nominated to throw a ball through a target to get 1 mil dollars. So after all his stress goes away he finally get better after doing bad for while. He makes the million dollar shot and uses some of the money to repair his best friends vision. ( )
  RC3 | May 8, 2019 |
No one writes sports fiction like Mike Lupica. He has just the right balance of a good story interspersed with great game action. This book is a must for Tom Brady fans. Nate Brodie is the Tom Brady of junior football. He’s the quarterback for the Valley Patriots and he’s so good that his teammates call him “Brady.”

No matter what’s going on in Nate’s life, he can always count on it going right when he’s on the field. But lately his personal stress is affecting his game. His family has been having financial difficulties since his dad lost his job and his best friend is losing her sight. On top of that he has the pressure of the upcoming million-dollar throw which will be televised during the NE Patriots game on Thanksgiving Day. But that’s not all. Now he has developed a fear of passing after he threw an interception at a critical moment causing his team to lose the game. The coach benches him, giving the backup QB a chance at victory.

I can’t say enough about Mike Lupica. I’m a non-sport playing female and yet love his books. He always has a great life lesson to pass on. ( )
  valorrmac | Sep 21, 2018 |
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Eighth-grade star quarterback Nate Brodie's family is feeling the stress of the troubled economy, and Nate is frantic because his best friend Abby is going blind, so when he gets a chance to win a million dollars if he can complete a pass during the halftime of a New England Patriot's game, he is nearly overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed.

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2 2
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3 12
3.5 2
4 21
4.5 7
5 13

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