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God's Gift For Mothers

par Jack Countryman

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God's Word is the greatest gift any mother could receive. God's Gift for Mothers is filled with God's wisdom, promises, and instructions to guide and encourage mothers in their everyday lives. The Bible is rich with descriptions and stories of godly mothers, and in God's Gift for Mothers bestselling author Jack Countryman walks you through 89 different ways that God blesses and cares for mothers. Dig deeper into the most influential mothers in the Bible, from Hannah to Ruth to Mary, and pray the same prayers these women whispered in their moments of need. Mediate on the Scripture verses, and inspire your heart as you delve into the promises God has made just for you. With a beautiful, modern design, timeless content, and the words of the New King James Version, God's Gift for Mothers is a classic in the making. This book will bring joy and peace to your heart and would also make a perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, Mother's Day, and as a "just because!" gift to share with the special mothers in your life. God delights in mothers. He promises to walk alongside His daughters as they raise future generations to know His name. Lean in closer to hear His promises and the rich blessings that He offers in God's Gift for Mothers.… (plus d'informations)

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  semoffat | Aug 31, 2021 |
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God's Word is the greatest gift any mother could receive. God's Gift for Mothers is filled with God's wisdom, promises, and instructions to guide and encourage mothers in their everyday lives. The Bible is rich with descriptions and stories of godly mothers, and in God's Gift for Mothers bestselling author Jack Countryman walks you through 89 different ways that God blesses and cares for mothers. Dig deeper into the most influential mothers in the Bible, from Hannah to Ruth to Mary, and pray the same prayers these women whispered in their moments of need. Mediate on the Scripture verses, and inspire your heart as you delve into the promises God has made just for you. With a beautiful, modern design, timeless content, and the words of the New King James Version, God's Gift for Mothers is a classic in the making. This book will bring joy and peace to your heart and would also make a perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, Mother's Day, and as a "just because!" gift to share with the special mothers in your life. God delights in mothers. He promises to walk alongside His daughters as they raise future generations to know His name. Lean in closer to hear His promises and the rich blessings that He offers in God's Gift for Mothers.

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