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Backpack Gourmet: Good Hot Grub You Can Make at Home, Dehydrate, and Pack for Quick, Easy, and Healthy Eating on the Trail

par Linda Frederick Yaffe

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Improve your backpacking experience by creating the delicious and healthy home-dried meals and snacks featured in this book. Easy to rehydrate in camp and lighter than lugging ingredients and extra fuel, these foods are perfect for backpackers. Updated with 20 brand new recipes for soups, stews, pasta, and casseroles, this new edition also has the most up-to-date information on dehydrators and ovens, water purification, and food storage, making it the perfect handbook for nutritious--and delectable--dining on the trail. * Over 180 recipes for casseroles, pastas, soups, stews, chowders, beans, pilafs, dried fruits, trail mixes, bars, and cookies * Tips on drying food in a dehydrator or oven * Includes vegetarian and low-fat recipes * Recipes so tasty that you'll make them at home too AUTHOR: Lifelong camper Linda Frederick Yaffe has written for Backpacker magazine. Her previous books are 'Solar Cooking for Home' and 'Camp, High Trail Cookery', and 'The Well-Organized Camper.' 20 b/w illustrations… (plus d'informations)

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I bought a dehydrator and the two recipes that I've put in have dried as advertised and seem super filling (lots of good info on chosing and using a dehydrator too). I made the almond dip and had a hard time putting it all in the machine, I just wanted to eat it. :-) It made a bit less than advertised though (said 4 cups, it just filled my two cup food processor, and yielded 2.5 dried serviings instead of four). The cowboy chili with ground turkey was also dinner last night, and made more than would fit in the machine. I'd add a bit more spice to it next time, despite using hot salsa it was a bit mild. The peanut butter fudge balls were super easy (only have to chill), but we'll see how well they hold up on the trail. I'm going to make the sweet potato and lentil soup to dry, and the get over the pass bars (which only need to be oven baked). Very happy with this book and looking forward to eating very well on the trail. ( )
  silentq | Aug 28, 2014 |
Good book if you want to learn about dehydrating food for use on the trail. Have not tried the recipes, but the concept seems good and the recipes appear to be OK. ( )
  buffalogr | Feb 5, 2012 |
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Improve your backpacking experience by creating the delicious and healthy home-dried meals and snacks featured in this book. Easy to rehydrate in camp and lighter than lugging ingredients and extra fuel, these foods are perfect for backpackers. Updated with 20 brand new recipes for soups, stews, pasta, and casseroles, this new edition also has the most up-to-date information on dehydrators and ovens, water purification, and food storage, making it the perfect handbook for nutritious--and delectable--dining on the trail. * Over 180 recipes for casseroles, pastas, soups, stews, chowders, beans, pilafs, dried fruits, trail mixes, bars, and cookies * Tips on drying food in a dehydrator or oven * Includes vegetarian and low-fat recipes * Recipes so tasty that you'll make them at home too AUTHOR: Lifelong camper Linda Frederick Yaffe has written for Backpacker magazine. Her previous books are 'Solar Cooking for Home' and 'Camp, High Trail Cookery', and 'The Well-Organized Camper.' 20 b/w illustrations

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