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Technique Alexander (2001)

par Robert MacDonald

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364701,125 (2.83)Aucun
This is a practical programme for health, poise and fitness. Modern life is hard on our bodies. Stress and tension lead to backaches, headaches, stiff necks and other common ailments, and all too often we accept them as being part of the normal wear and tear of life. The Alexander Technique shows it need not be that way. By using conscious control we can change old patterns of misuse and give our minds and bodies a chance to work more freely. This guide includes: the history and evolution of the Alexander Technique; practical prodedures involving mind and body; real case studies showing the range of applications of the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique can change the vitality of the body and mind - this book offers expert guidance to those both familiar and unfamiliar with the technique.… (plus d'informations)

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This is a unique and inspired guide that clearly explains the background, benefits, and beauty of the Alexander Techniques. Packed with full-color illustrations, the authoritative and comprehensive Illustrated Elements of Alexander Technique covers:

The history and evolution of the Alexander Techniques.
Practical procedures involving mind and body in a dynamic relationship.
How you can come to your senses and evalutate your feelings.
Why the Alexander Techniques improves performance.
Step-by-step photographic sequences showing the Technique in action.
Real case studies showing how the Alexander Technique is applied to different professions and hobbies, from Tai Chi to riding to music.
What happens at an Alexander Technique lesson.
A thorough reference section incuding useful contact addresses.

Modern life is hard onour bodies. Stress and tension lead to backaches, headaches, stiff necks, and other common ailments-which we all to often accept as being part of the wear ad tear of life. The Alexander Technique shows it need not be that way.

Developed by F.M. Alexander in the last century, the Technique is a unique system designed to increase awareness of body and mind, helping to reduce unnecessary tensions. The relationship between the head, neck, and back is recognized as crucial to how we function. In this comprehensive and beautifully illustrated book, Glynn MacDonald shows how the Alexander Technique can change the vitality of body and mind. It is an expert guide that serves both as an ideal introduction to the therapy, and as an invaluable resource to those familiar with the technique.

Glynn MacDonald is an Alexander Teacher to teh Guildhall School of Music and Drama, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, the Central School of Speech and Drama, and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. She is associated with the Ferens Voice Clinic at the Middlesex Hospital, and lectures at the British Voice Association for Performing Arts Medicine and the British Voice Association. She is in constant demand to present the Alexander Techniques on national television and radio and to lecture nationally and internationally. Glynn is the Past Chairwoman of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique and has run a private practice for 25 years, which is currently in London.

This is the best overall introduction to the Alexander Technique that I've come across--and I've read my fair share of AT books. While it's a bit wordy, in part that can be explained by the fact that it was originally written in England. I personally find most books written in England are much wordier than books written in the United States, and they tend to have a peculiarly bland quality about them that sometimes can make them difficult to read. This book has some of those features, but if I were you and wanting to learn about the Alexander Technique, I wouldn't let the writing get in the way of my education. And there is enough informational meat in this book that it is worth overlooking the occasionally bland writing style.
There are numerous everyday applications of the Technique illustrated throughout the book, and much of the underlying physiology is also addressed.
A beginner can take up this book, use it and go a long way towards using the Technique in everyday life. Pretty good for an instructional book!-Taiji


How to use this book
Historical background and biographphy
Scientific verification
The use of the self
Anatomy: The structure
Physiology: How it works
The procedures: Thinking in activity
The procedures of Professor Dart
Performance skills in the arts
Sport and recreation: Conscious exercise
Alexander Technique and medicine
Now thyself
Become yourself
Further reading (bibliography/Useful addresses
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Pioneered by Frederick Matthias Alexander at the turnof the 20th centrry., the Alexander Technique helps you to understand how bad postural habits can harm your health. It aims to promote better posture, freedom of movement, and easy breathing by a process of awareness and self-mastery. This easy-too-follow guide, illustrated with color photographs and clear diagrams, explains the history of the technique and shows you how to apply it to your everyday activities-from reading a book to breathing more efficiently. Discover how the Alexander Techinque can rid you of negative behavioral patterns and bring you better health.

Robert MacDonald has given workshops in the Alexander Technique, Voice, and Performance in theaters and corporations worldwide. He has written one book, The Use of the Voice.

Caro Ness has worked successfully as an author's agent, rights director, commissioning editor, and author.

Established in 1971 and read by more than a million health conscious readers each issue, Natual Health is the leading periodical in the field of natural health and self care. Published by Weider Publications, Inc., its editorial advisory board includes such esteemed authorities as Dean Ornish, Carolyn dean, and Andrew Weil. visit us at

Learn how to improve your posutre and create change in the qulity of your life.

Secrets of Alexander Technique offers a unique juxtaposition of theory and practice, providing clear, full explanations that demystify the subject and show you the best way to apply it. This book:

Identifies bad postural habits and demonstrates how the technique can counteract them.
Applies the technique to everyday life.
Achieves a jargon-free approach that makes Alexander Techique easy to understand for the newcomer.


How to use this book
F.M. Alexander
First steps
Teachers in action
Further reading (bibliography)
Useful addresses
Institutions using the Alexander Techniques
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
This is an easy-to-read introduction to the Alexander technique. Don't expect a scientific or overly thorough examination – this little book tells you about how F.M. Alexander first developed the technique of body awareness in order to help himself and introduces the most important principles. The strength of the book are the illustrations showing how anyone, regardless of age or existing health problems, can integrate the Alexander technique into their everyday activities. It's all about being conscious of how you move and where you might follow bad habits which take too much effort. The German edition I have at hand was apparently proofread rather sloppily since there are a number of typos, and the translation could also be improved. But it provides a nice overview and inspiration about how to (re)gain freedom of movement. ( )
  sasyas | Oct 20, 2009 |
Robert Macdonald has given workshops in the Alexander Technique, Voice, and Performance in theaters and corporations worldwide. He has written one book, The Use of the Voice. Caro Ness has worked successfully as an author's agent, rights director, commissioning editor, and author. Natural Health is the leading periodical in the field of natural health and self care.
  antimuzak | Dec 30, 2007 |
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This is a practical programme for health, poise and fitness. Modern life is hard on our bodies. Stress and tension lead to backaches, headaches, stiff necks and other common ailments, and all too often we accept them as being part of the normal wear and tear of life. The Alexander Technique shows it need not be that way. By using conscious control we can change old patterns of misuse and give our minds and bodies a chance to work more freely. This guide includes: the history and evolution of the Alexander Technique; practical prodedures involving mind and body; real case studies showing the range of applications of the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique can change the vitality of the body and mind - this book offers expert guidance to those both familiar and unfamiliar with the technique.

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