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Family Guide to Medicine and Health

par Reader's Digest

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Récemment ajouté parrajendran

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The most up-to-date and authoritative guide to your family's health and well-being. When you or a member of your family fall ill or you are faced with a medical emergency, you need clear and immediate advice -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This new and comprehensive guide, produced with the help of more than 100 medical experts, is easy to use, practical and reassuring.

Symptom Sorter - Get the right treatment at the right time. 48 pages of user-friendly charts help you to interpret the possible causes of the most common medical systems.

A to Z of Medicine and Health - More than 750 ailments, disorders, treatments and therapies explained in everyday language. Groundbreaking new illustrations and hundreds of photographs help you to understand how your body works and what can go wrong with it.

First Aid - Easy-to-understand advice for dealing with everything from minor injuries to major medical emergencies -- calmly, safely and effectively.

Drugs and their Uses - 500 of the most common generic drugs, their brand names and what they need.

Useful Contacts - Contact details for more than 250 societies, research organizations and support groups.
  rajendran | Feb 18, 2009 |
The most up-to-date and authoritative guide to your family's health and well-being.
When you or a member of your family fall ill or you are faced with a medical emergency, you need clear and immediate advice -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This new and comprehensive guide, produced with the help of more than 100 medical experts, is easy to use, practical and reassuring.
Symptom Sorter:
Get the right treatment at the right time. 48 pages of user-friendly charts help you to interpret the possible causes of the most common medical symptom.
A to Z of Medicine and Health:
More than 750 ailments, disorders, treatments and therapies explained in everyday language. Groundbreaking new illustrations and hundreds of photographs help you to understand how your body works and what can go wrong with it.
First Aid:
Easy-to-understand advice for dealing with everything from minor injuries to major medical emergencies -- calmly, safely and effectively.
Drugs and their Uses:
500 of the most common generic drugs, their brand names and what they treat.
Useful Contacts:
Contact details for more than 250 societies, research organizations and support groups.
  rajendran | Aug 10, 2008 |
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