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Eco-minimalism: The Antidote to Eco-bling

par Howard Liddell

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In this age of eco-bling where sustainability becomes yet another ill-defined buzz word and people rush to fix their unsuspecting buildings, with green technology badges such as wind turbines, not all such additions are as green as they first appear. This book highlights more realistic and cost effective approaches to going 'green' by showcasing 'eco-minimalism' - a good-housekeeping approach to ecological building design and specification, concentrating on less glaringly obvious strategies such as insulation, draught-proofing and the use of healthy materials. Written by the distinguished architect Howard Liddell, this book exposes the pitfalls of 'greenwashing' in an immediate, visually-arresting and authoritative way. The intention is to present basic tenets in a quickfire, highly accessible format aimed at not just architects, other construction professionals and related students but everyone who cares about the sustainability of our built environment. A number of case studies support its central message, that the scattergun, 'Christmas tree' approach should be ditched in favour of holistic, considered and appropriate deployment of building science in support of truly ecological, affordable sustainable architecture for everyone - in other words eco-minimalism.… (plus d'informations)

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  epabooks | Feb 14, 2023 |
On Sharepoint : download here / on Server : I:3_Library_Reference- SUSTAINABILITY > - ACAN Toolkit
  mwbooks | Feb 18, 2021 |
In this age of ‘eco-bling' where sustainability becomes yet another buzz word and people rush to technically fix green badges to their unsuspecting buildings, not all ‘green' additions to buildings are necessary. Eco-minimalism: the antidote to eco-bling is timely in highlighting more realistic and cost effective approaches to becoming ‘green' and in showcasing ‘eco-minimalism' - a good-housekeeping approach to ecological building design and specification, involving apparently non-glaringly obvious strategies such as insulation, draught-proofing and the use of healthy materials.

This book aims to expose the pitfalls of ‘greenwashing' in an immediate, visually-arresting and authoritative way. The intention is to present basic tenets in a quickfire, highly accessible format that is based on 30 years of practical experience.

A number of case studies support its central message, that the scattergun, ‘Christmas tree' approach should be ditched in favour of ‘eco-minimalism' – the holistic, considered and appropriate deployment of building science in support of truly ecological, affordable sustainable architecture for everyone.
  impok | Jan 7, 2009 |
  mjplibrarybooks | Feb 23, 2021 |
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In this age of eco-bling where sustainability becomes yet another ill-defined buzz word and people rush to fix their unsuspecting buildings, with green technology badges such as wind turbines, not all such additions are as green as they first appear. This book highlights more realistic and cost effective approaches to going 'green' by showcasing 'eco-minimalism' - a good-housekeeping approach to ecological building design and specification, concentrating on less glaringly obvious strategies such as insulation, draught-proofing and the use of healthy materials. Written by the distinguished architect Howard Liddell, this book exposes the pitfalls of 'greenwashing' in an immediate, visually-arresting and authoritative way. The intention is to present basic tenets in a quickfire, highly accessible format aimed at not just architects, other construction professionals and related students but everyone who cares about the sustainability of our built environment. A number of case studies support its central message, that the scattergun, 'Christmas tree' approach should be ditched in favour of holistic, considered and appropriate deployment of building science in support of truly ecological, affordable sustainable architecture for everyone - in other words eco-minimalism.

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