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Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting par Lynn…

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting (original 1999; édition 2005)

par Lynn Grabhorn

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Have you ever been so wrapped up in day-to-day life that you stop paying attention to how you're feeling? Something goes wrong, and you blame other people. The key to getting back on the right track is simple: focus inward on what it would feel like to have it all go right. And it will. Lynn Grabhorn reveals how to invite the positive to you by focusing on what you want. She shows that all it takes is a few bursts of pure intense concentration. Allow yourself to start believing in what you can accomplish instead of what you can't and cut down on those negative feelings. Follow Grabhorn's simple steps, and soon you'll be attracting the things you really want.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting
Auteurs:Lynn Grabhorn
Info:Hodder Mobius (2005), Paperback, 320 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Excusez-moi, mais votre vie attend : Le prodigieux pouvoir des sentiments par Lynn Grabhorn (1999)


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I tried and was unable to read this book. I think I've totally out grown self-help books. I am who I am.
  maggie1944 | Sep 21, 2012 |
Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting
The Astonishing Power of Feelings
by Lynn Grabhorn

This 245 page treasure was nothing short of amazing. I was just so impressed with the author as she takes us from one human escapade to another with humor, compassion and a good dose of pepper. This is a feel good book that can guide you along through the worst parts of discovery in such a lovely friendly manner that you hardly know you are finding your way out of that prison of your own making.

There is a whole lot of manifesting going on and we can be a part of it. By taking good honest looks and making wiser choices this helpful read shows us that we can release old ways of thinking and usher in the new. I was especially drawn to the personal stories and how people like myself were able to wake up and have a life. My favorite was about the real estate office. I would recommend this much needed totally spiritually available teacher to anyone looking for the illusive butterfly of abundance. Thanks Lynn, may you continue to bring us many more gems like this one.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann ( )
  biunicorn | Mar 15, 2012 |
this book was very disappointing i saw it advertised in a magazine and an actress was saying it was the best book she had ever read. not for me it was boring from the beginning and to be honest i just could not waste my time in finishing it . if you want to read a good self help book i recommend the bible .
also how to win friends and influence people is a good book. .
  junehill | Jan 22, 2011 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This book talks about how your thoughts and feelings shape your reality. The author talks about being positive and how this can change your life. I found the whole thing interesting, but it did leave me with more questions that before I read it.
  Tricia608 | Dec 31, 2009 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
If you're unfamiliar and want a introduction to the Law of Attraction (LOA), and you like a lot of personal anecdotes to drive the key points home, this might work for you. Unfortunately, if you've read other LOA/Secret-type books, this one does not introduce new concepts about manifesting what you want in life and the information is not presented in a unique or gripping way. It is, however, accessible and simply written. It's just a bit longer than it probably needs to be and very repetitive, which might work for someone else but drives me witless. I recommend the Michael Losier books or others mentioned by fellow readers/reviewers. ( )
  LitChick1 | Sep 10, 2009 |
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To every one of us who finally...maybe...possibly...believes that they have the right to perpetual happiness, beginning now.
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How do we get what we want in life?
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Whether your Want is to find the fastest way around the traffic downtown or to find a new mate, all you have to do is pay attention to the signs that will come to make it happen . . . and learn to trust them!
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Have you ever been so wrapped up in day-to-day life that you stop paying attention to how you're feeling? Something goes wrong, and you blame other people. The key to getting back on the right track is simple: focus inward on what it would feel like to have it all go right. And it will. Lynn Grabhorn reveals how to invite the positive to you by focusing on what you want. She shows that all it takes is a few bursts of pure intense concentration. Allow yourself to start believing in what you can accomplish instead of what you can't and cut down on those negative feelings. Follow Grabhorn's simple steps, and soon you'll be attracting the things you really want.

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Le livre Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings de Lynn Grabhorn était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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