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Companions in Christ: A Small-Group Experience in Spiritual Formation

par Adele Gonzalez

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Over 28-weeks, the Companions in Christ Participant's Book moves through five areas: -- Embracing the Journey -- an exploration of spiritual formation as a journey toward wholeness and holiness; -- Feeding on the Word -- several ways of meditating on and praying with scripture; -- Deepening our Prayer -- an experience of various classic forms and styles of prayer; -- Responding to Our Call -- a presentation of gifts and call; -- Exploring Spiritual Guidance -- different ways of giving an receiving spiritual guidance.Well-known writers for Upper Room Ministries introduce weekly themes. Gerrit Scott Dawson, Adele Gonzalez, E. Glenn Hinson, Rueben Job, Marjorie Thompson, and Wendy Wright combine personal, firsthand accounts with wisdom from the Christian tradition to provide focus and background for the weekly exercises.Following each reading are five daily exercises that help participants reflect on the theme more deeply and prepare for the group meeting. These exercises involve some combination of scripture reading, spiritual practice, and reflection questions. Responses are recorded in a journal each day and reviewed during the opening portion of the weekly gathering.… (plus d'informations)

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Given to Matthew Hayes - 05/11/2023
  revbill1961 | May 11, 2023 |
This was my introduction to the small group experience. It was a sponsored study at my church. Next to Rick Warren's model in [book: The Purpose Driven Life], this was my foundation for forming, leading and maintaining covenant/small groups. ( )
  mossjon | Mar 31, 2013 |
This is an excellent workbook for any small group just beginning an exploration of spirituality, spiritual disciplines, the life of prayer, and resources for growth in discipleship. ( )
  roydknight | Jul 22, 2007 |
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Over 28-weeks, the Companions in Christ Participant's Book moves through five areas: -- Embracing the Journey -- an exploration of spiritual formation as a journey toward wholeness and holiness; -- Feeding on the Word -- several ways of meditating on and praying with scripture; -- Deepening our Prayer -- an experience of various classic forms and styles of prayer; -- Responding to Our Call -- a presentation of gifts and call; -- Exploring Spiritual Guidance -- different ways of giving an receiving spiritual guidance.Well-known writers for Upper Room Ministries introduce weekly themes. Gerrit Scott Dawson, Adele Gonzalez, E. Glenn Hinson, Rueben Job, Marjorie Thompson, and Wendy Wright combine personal, firsthand accounts with wisdom from the Christian tradition to provide focus and background for the weekly exercises.Following each reading are five daily exercises that help participants reflect on the theme more deeply and prepare for the group meeting. These exercises involve some combination of scripture reading, spiritual practice, and reflection questions. Responses are recorded in a journal each day and reviewed during the opening portion of the weekly gathering.

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