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Closed for the Season par Mary Downing Hahn

Closed for the Season (original 2009; édition 2010)

par Mary Downing Hahn (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,17118317,684 (4.34)6
When thirteen-year-old Logan and his family move into a run-down old house in rural Virginia, he discovers that a woman was murdered there and becomes involved with his neighbor Arthur in a dangerous investigation to try to uncover the killer.
Titre:Closed for the Season
Auteurs:Mary Downing Hahn (Auteur)
Info:HMH Books for Young Readers (2010), Edition: Reprint, 192 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Closed for the Season par Mary Downing Hahn (2009)

  1. 00
    The Dead Man in Indian Creek par Mary Downing Hahn (HollyMS)
    HollyMS: Both mysteries by Mary Downing Hahn.

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» Voir aussi les 6 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 182 (suivant | tout afficher)
An engaging middle grade mystery. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jul 1, 2023 |
Loved it! It had everything - a spooky old theme park, geeky kid detectives, a loyal pet, and secret identities! This is a fun, spooky read. ( )
  kamlibrarian | Dec 23, 2022 |
This was a fantastic book! I loved reading this book. I love mystery and crime, and this was right up my ally. I appreciated how this story developed. I would recommend this book for sure, and I think that this would be a good book for middle schoolers. ( )
  Rebekah2 | Apr 25, 2022 |
I absolutely loved this book! The mystery and the twists and turns are so easy to follow and intriguing nonetheless. This book is a must read for children in the mid range level and it will promise to be an exciting read. Not only are the characters very relatable and charismatic, they offer insight within the book to explain their actions and emotions. The friendship between the two main characters really provokes and helps kids to learn to be friends with people who you are not exactly alike. This is a good and heartwarming adventure that will make you not want to put down the book. I went in expecting to be bored since it is a bit younger for my read, but the book made sure to hold the attention of its reader throughout. The author did an excellent job at covering all groups of people and from all different backgrounds in this novel. Once you pick it up, you will not be able to put it down. ( )
  Janawithrow14 | Oct 26, 2021 |
The author is Mary Dawning Hahn. The main two characters in this book are Logan Forbes and Arthur Jenkins. They become good friends and both face character development throughout the book as they try to solve the mystery of Mrs. Donaldson. Many conflicts arise as Logan and Arthur stick their noses into other people's businesses as they try to solve the murder. They make many friends and enemies along the way. The main themes of Closed for the Season are coming of age and harmful assumptions. The setting of this book is Beaseville, Maryland. This book is an entertaining and funny mystery novels that teaches readers about friendship and good vs evil. It shows students that sometimes you have to break the rules of go abasing the status quo in order to be the better person and do the good thing. This book is easy to read, and it keeps you wanted more after every chapter because of the suspension of the mystery. ( )
  Cfelder | Apr 19, 2021 |
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For James Cross Giblin Editor, mentor, and friend for thirty years
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By the time Dad pulled into the driveway of our new house, all I wanted was to go inside and jump in the shower.
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When thirteen-year-old Logan and his family move into a run-down old house in rural Virginia, he discovers that a woman was murdered there and becomes involved with his neighbor Arthur in a dangerous investigation to try to uncover the killer.

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Moyenne: (4.34)
2 7
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3 50
3.5 11
4 111
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