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The Law of Psychic Phenomena: A Working Hypothesis for the Systemic Study of Hypnotism, Spiritism, Mental Therapeutics, Etc.

par Thomson Jay Hudson

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661412,530 (4)Aucun
This pioneering 1893 work of psychic research examines hypnotism and telepathy, suggesting conversations with "spirits" were really encounters with the subconscious. The author discusses the power of suggestion, his interpretation of the teachings of Jesus, and argues that all psychic phenomena are manifestations of the subconscious. The book was popular until after World War I, because the grief-stricken wanted to again believe that mediums could contact the dead.… (plus d'informations)

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First it is important to know that this book was originally published in the late 19th century (the preface was 1892). It needs to exclusively be treated as a historical document. Much of the book is about various aspects of hypnosis which were incorrect even back in the 19th century and are certainly incorrect in the 21st century. It is written in such a way as to almost be gaslighting to any present day hypnotist. It speaks in absolutes and very little of it is correct and then in the latter part of the book starts to discuss Jesus. If you are looking for actual information on hypnosis, spiritualism, or whatnot, this would not be the book to read. I will give it a 3 on LT, and a 2 on GR simply due to the value as a historical artifact. ( )
  melsmarsh | Jan 11, 2020 |
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This pioneering 1893 work of psychic research examines hypnotism and telepathy, suggesting conversations with "spirits" were really encounters with the subconscious. The author discusses the power of suggestion, his interpretation of the teachings of Jesus, and argues that all psychic phenomena are manifestations of the subconscious. The book was popular until after World War I, because the grief-stricken wanted to again believe that mediums could contact the dead.

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