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New Historicism has been a highly controversial and influential movement in university literature departments for almost twenty years. Biblical studies now wrestles with this force and evaluates its potential for interpretation.With lucid and jargon-free description, this study sets forth New Historicism for the nonspecialist. Defining New Historicism as a mindset rather than a method, it traces the development, discusses recurring features, and offers illustrations of this new literary approach.Here biblical texts are plunged back into the swirling currents of historical context only to disclose their plural, contradictory, fragmentary, and heterogeneous character. This includes the histories associated, represented, and embedded in those texts. In the process, the carefully guarded distinctions between text and context, history and literature, past and present, fade. In exchange for the loss of these tidy categories, New Historicism promises sufficient compensation—namely, a potential venue where the sharply drawn border currently separating historical investigations from literary studies in biblical interpretation can be negotiated.… (plus d'informations)

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A helpful introduction to the wide-ranging perspectives and endeavors of the "new historicist" movement, especially as it is relating and as it might relate to the field of Biblical studies.

The author provides a sympathetic view toward new historicism and attempts to define and yet not define this very nebulous field. She sets forth some boundary markers, so to speak, for new historicism, and the general tenor of the work done in the field. She provides comparisons and contrasts between "standard" historical readings and new historicism. She provides some examples of new historicist work in Biblical studies, and concludes with an analysis of the possible future for new historicism in the Biblical studies field.

As to new historicism itself-- while it is insufficient for an overall or overarching perspective on Biblical studies, one can see where new historicist foci on marginalized groups, struggles behind the text, and other such studies could illuminate the text in ways that other approaches would overlook. There is much that is postmodern and utterly subjective about new historicism also, and these give some pause.

Nevertheless, if one is interested in the role or the possible role of new historicism within Biblical studies, this book is a good place to start. ( )
  deusvitae | Nov 14, 2009 |
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New Historicism has been a highly controversial and influential movement in university literature departments for almost twenty years. Biblical studies now wrestles with this force and evaluates its potential for interpretation.With lucid and jargon-free description, this study sets forth New Historicism for the nonspecialist. Defining New Historicism as a mindset rather than a method, it traces the development, discusses recurring features, and offers illustrations of this new literary approach.Here biblical texts are plunged back into the swirling currents of historical context only to disclose their plural, contradictory, fragmentary, and heterogeneous character. This includes the histories associated, represented, and embedded in those texts. In the process, the carefully guarded distinctions between text and context, history and literature, past and present, fade. In exchange for the loss of these tidy categories, New Historicism promises sufficient compensation—namely, a potential venue where the sharply drawn border currently separating historical investigations from literary studies in biblical interpretation can be negotiated.

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