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Les guerriers maudits, Tome 1 : L'aigle noir

par Lisa Hendrix

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1618175,580 (3.96)1
Cursed by an evil sorceress to live forever as a were-creature, Viking warrior Ivar Graycloak leads a solitary existence until the king orders him to marry Lady Alaida, a spirited beauty who soothes his soul, but when he has a dark vision, he vows to stay away from his new bride forever.

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I really loved this book. Very reminiscent of the Wolf and the Dove, an old Kathleen Woodiweiss favorite, only this one's got more (and better) sex scenes. Strong male protagonists, strong female protagonists, a good love story with a HEA, plus well-researched historical background. One of my pet peeves is historical fiction where the author can't be bothered to do her/his homework, and there are disturbing elements that throw one out of the story. Not the case here.

Now I want to read ALL in this series! ( )
  writerbeverly | May 1, 2014 |
Alnwick Castle is the ancestral home of the Dukes of Northumberland, and Hogwarts students learned to fly in its bailey. So say the historical notes at the back of Immortal Warrior by Lisa Hendrix. The fact that I’ve actually seen the castle in real life only adds to the attraction.

The immortal warrior of the title is Ivo, which is in fact the name of the Norman lord given charge of the castle after a 1095 uprising against William the Conqueror. The historical lord’s descendants held the castle for 200 years, though he may not have been quite as intriguing a character as the one portrayed by the author. Here, Ivo is an immortal Norse warrior, eternally cursed by the sorceress whose son died at his friend’s hand. Each of the survivors of that long-ago battle now lives a strange half-life, unable to die, and shape-changing between animal and human as the sun rises and sets.

As an eagle, Ivo spies out the land for his king. And as a man he reports what he’s learned. But one thing the king and his Christian men must never learn is Ivo’s shape-changing, which they would surely call demonic. And when Ivo is given a castle and a bride, he must keep his terrible secret in a far more public place, and hide his darkest fears from his dearest love.

Romantic Times describes this as “a bold and beautiful fairy-tale for grown-ups.” I’d have to say they’re right. The love-scenes are sensual and sweet, the history is delightfully convincing and well-researched, the characters are tortured and wonderful, the plot twisting, surprising, satisfying. The author combines myth, adventure and romance in well-seasoned proportions and creates a delightful whole. I shall eagerly watch for the next in this series. ( )
  SheilaDeeth | May 27, 2010 |
Cool! A paranormal romance set in the Middle Ages with tortured heroes, brave heroines, and a wickedly evil witch! "Immortal Warrior" is the first book in a new 'Immortal Brotherhood' series by Lisa Hendrix and if you like your paranormal in a different setting, this just might be for you. This first story has a lot of world building which was sometimes irritating, but necessary to set up the rules and boundaries of Hendrix' creatures.

Ivo has been around for a long, long time. His curse changes him into an eagle by day and back into a man each night. This transformation has kept him apart from humanity for so long as he can't risk discovery. Just because he's immortal doesn't mean he can't feel pain. His loneliness and the thrill of battle led him into contact with humans, and now he's come to the attention of the king. For his latest reward he requests a castle. He gets a castle...and the woman in it too.

Alaida is tired of being besieged by prospective husbands...especially since they're beginning to lose patience with wooing and she's pretty sure at least one is contemplating force. So when yet another group of three knights appears at her gate, she dutifully goes to greet them intending to turn them away if possible. Instead, she learns her grandfather is a prisoner of the king and the beautiful man looking at her with fire in his eyes is her new lord...and soon to be husband.

This first story did stretch my credulity a bit. I thought a strong female like Alaida would be a little more aggressive with finding out why her husband is gone every day! And how the super-sexy Ivo managed to restrain himself was another sore point for me. But overall, I did enjoy the characters and the story and I think the setting actually helped with both the above. There was quite a bit of relationship building instead of just action and sex and I enjoyed that change of pace. I was even a bit surprised by exactly how the ending played out and that doesn't happen as often as I'd like.

I definitely want to get the next book, "Immortal Outlaw", which comes out in June 2009 and see where the author intends to take her series next. ( )
  jjmachshev | Mar 19, 2009 |
Ivar Graycloak and his comrades have a secret. They spend half of each day as animals due to a curse from an evil sorceress. Ivar has risen to prominence in Norman England and as a result, is given an heiress as a bride. The king does not know that Ivar spends his days as an eagle. Ivar wants to love his wife, Alaida, properly, but how can he do so when he’s keeping a terrible secret from her?

I’m still new to the world of paranormal romance, but I really liked this one. It’s definitely romance, but I love the overarching plot of these men cursed to live as animals half the time and how they deal with it. There is more to the story than just love between the hero and the heroine. The romance is good, but the difficulties in their relationship definitely make this a fuller and more entertaining book. I even liked both main characters; they were stubborn and realistic and they had misunderstandings just like any normal couple would. Alaida was particularly good, in my opinion. She really reacted the way I think a normal woman would react; she’s attracted to and likes her husband, but she’s confused and insulted when he vanishes every day without explanation. Very nice characterization.

I’d call this a very solid, enjoyable romance and I’m looking forward to the next in this series! ( )
  littlebookworm | Dec 17, 2008 |
The first novel in a new series, Immortal Warrior by Lisa Hendrix, takes me back to my roots. I first started reading paranormal romances that were more historical than contemporary and this one was a treat.

After arriving in England as part of a Viking crew sent to pillage, Ivar Graycloak (aka Ivo de Vassey) was cursed to live immortally as an eagle by the local villages’ sorceress. Now, after 200 years of a solitary life, he’s ordered to marry in order to secure the King’s reign in the northern territory. His new bride, the Lady Alaida, is a lady unlike any others of her time - intelligent and spirited - however, her beauty and presence brings a new relief to Ivar’s soul. However, after a seer brings dark tidings to Ivar, his life is sent into chaos again.

Like I previously said, this novel takes me back to my roots and I have to say I’m going to stay there with this author. After reading Immortal Warrior, I remember why I love historical romances, especially ones with paranormal elements. This is a true paranormal romance; there’s no aggressive conflict that the hero and heroine must overcome. Quite simply, we’re given a great love story between two individuals who were probably quite rare during this time period. The emotional turmoil each of our two characters go through, it works. I want to say it’s breathtaking, but that’s a little too much in my opinion, however, that is the word that’s in my mind. Honestly, Hendrix had me in tears towards the end and it’s not that easy to bring tears to my eyes simply by reading.

Overall, Immortal Warrior by Lisa Hendrix is an extraordinary read for anyone who loves historical romances and the paranormal. As the first novel in a new series, I can’t wait to read what follows this one, because I know they’ll be just as good. Immortal Warrior will be released on November 4th, so make sure you’re at the store on that day. Afterall, you’ll need something to read while you’re waiting in line to vote. ( )
  jaxon | Nov 25, 2008 |
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Cursed by an evil sorceress to live forever as a were-creature, Viking warrior Ivar Graycloak leads a solitary existence until the king orders him to marry Lady Alaida, a spirited beauty who soothes his soul, but when he has a dark vision, he vows to stay away from his new bride forever.

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