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Taltos: Lives of the Mayfair Witches par…

Taltos: Lives of the Mayfair Witches (original 1994; édition 1994)

par Anne Rice (Auteur)

Séries: Saga des sorcières (3)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6,064321,702 (3.48)74
La quatrie me de couverture indique : "M. Ash est a la te te d'un immense empire financier. Il est aussi le dernier repre sentant de l'espe ce le gendaire des Taltos. Mais biento t il apprend que l'on a signale l'un des siens en Ecosse, sur les lieux me mes ou , des sie cles plus to t, il dirigeait son clan. Ses investigations le conduisent a Rowan Mayfair et sa famille de sorcie res. Il de couvre que les pouvoirs exceptionnels des femmes Mayfair sont lie s a l'he ritage des Taltos..."… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Taltos: Lives of the Mayfair Witches
Auteurs:Anne Rice (Auteur)
Info:Knopf (1994), Edition: First Edition, 467 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Taltos par Anne Rice (1994)

  1. 00
    A Game of Thrones par George R. R. Martin (Utilisateur anonyme)

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» Voir aussi les 74 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 32 (suivant | tout afficher)
I first read this twenty years ago and on this reread I’m now recalling why I don’t remember it. The taltos are supposedly a threat but they spend most of their time moaning and giving far too much detail about their history. No one cares. ( )
  literarysarah | Oct 21, 2023 |
Anne Rice is a master at legend building. She has masterfully built the legend and history not only of a family of witches but of a "mythical" creature as well. Although I still think that Lasher is my favorite of the Mayfair Witch trilogy, Taltos is a great ending to the series. For those who, like me felt that The Witching Hour was a slow start to the series I would recommend continuing because it is all necessary for the story and it finishes really strong. ( )
  everettroberts | Oct 20, 2023 |
The final, and in my opinion, weakest of the trilogy. We learn about the history of the Taltos, some annoying new characters arrive on the scene and I have only read this book twice, which means it just wasn't that great. ( )
  Equestrienne | Jan 5, 2021 |
A few years ago, I got back into reading Anne Rice, and found there was huge backlog of books to catch up on. Determined to go through them in order of publication, I picked up with the second stage of the Vampire Chronicles, and then moved on to the Mayfair Witches. These were a trilogy, set in the Louisiana and New Orleans of Lestat, and Louis, and the Talamasca, but with a set of characters completely separate from her universe of bloodsuckers. And as I stated in earlier reviews of THE WITCHING HOUR, and LASHER, I much preferred her tales of the undead to the hot and heavy story of the voluminous Mayfair family, and the “ghost” who had attached itself to them. The soft core eroticism, incest, and border line pedophilia were not really my cup of tea, and it is a testament to Rice’s talents as a storyteller and creator of compelling characters that I hung in there. It’s easy to be drawn in by Rice’s style, which is heavy on detail and mood, and she uses them to their zenith in the Mayfair books. If the pace slackened, which if often did, then the next chapter usually held the promise of something interesting, if only momentarily.

The main problem with TALTOS is that it is so unnecessary after the events of the previous two books which tied up the tale of Michael Curry and Rowan Mayfair, and their relationship with the entity known as Lasher, along with telling us everything we felt we needed to know about the Mayfair family. Yet Rice seems to have not wanted to leave this world behind, so she typed out one more epic elaborating on the mythos she had created. This time around, Rowan and Michael are not center stage, although they do figure in the story. Instead, we get the story of Ashlar, a personage alluded to in the previous books. He is a seven foot tall Taltos, a survivor of an ancient race passing among humans, and of course, at one point he sits down and tells Michael and Rowan his story, which extends back before the beginning of civilization. As I have stated in other reviews, this is where Rice really shines, as she clearly knows how to do research, and more important, she knows what to do with it. We get an interesting take on Britain from the pre Roman era to the coming of Christianity. We also get a look at the Talamasca from the inside, as the plotting of certain members figures in the story; a scene where justice is meted out to the treacherous Marklin and Tommy is right out of Poe, as is as good as Rice gets. Most of the Mayfair clan is absent, except for teenage Mona, a character some readers do not like, and her country cousin, Mary Jane, a welcome addition as I thought the interaction between those two really lit up their chapters.

Unfortunately, none of this comes together for anything close to a satisfying whole. There is no sense of a strong narrative or real plot tension building toward a climax, certain elements are introduced, and then dispensed with long before the final page. The question of whether the Taltos will survive as a species is the main plot point of the story, but it is hardly feels like a compelling one by the final chapters. And I found the climax of the book to be unsatisfying, as it felt as though it were leaving the door open for another sequel. As I understand it, Anne Rice resisted that temptation, and wrote MERRICK, a book that crosses over the Mayfair witches with her vampires. Already have a copy, and it’s on my Too Read pile. ( )
  wb4ever1 | Mar 30, 2020 |
I read this book many years ago and it is still one I find myself thinking of now and then. I remember it as a lighter read than most of the vampire novels (although I loved all that angst as a teen), and one with a unique and very interesting sort of creature. It truly caught my imagination. I'd like to read again as an adult and see how it holds up. ( )
  RobinWebster | Nov 28, 2014 |
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Á Stan, Christopher et Michele Rice, à John Preston et à Margaret et Stanley Rice, Sr., avec toute mon affection.
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Il avait neigé toute la journée.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

La quatrie me de couverture indique : "M. Ash est a la te te d'un immense empire financier. Il est aussi le dernier repre sentant de l'espe ce le gendaire des Taltos. Mais biento t il apprend que l'on a signale l'un des siens en Ecosse, sur les lieux me mes ou , des sie cles plus to t, il dirigeait son clan. Ses investigations le conduisent a Rowan Mayfair et sa famille de sorcie res. Il de couvre que les pouvoirs exceptionnels des femmes Mayfair sont lie s a l'he ritage des Taltos..."

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