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Magicians & Enchanters

par Elizabeth Ratisseau

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1211,660,891 (3.5)Aucun
Like the other books in our Magical Beings series, this one is a compact introduction to complex and intriguing aspects of reality. Here, Elizabeth Ratisseau presents magicians from legend and story. Magicians cause change through their supernatural powers. They occur in all cultures, and apparently even in pre-historic cultures. Some famous magicians are Paracelsus, Merlin, Eliphas Levi, and the Comte de Saint Germain. The illustrations in this volume are drawn largely from old storybooks for children, who like the rest of us, are fascinated by magic.… (plus d'informations)

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A collection of artwork and quotes relating to magic and magicians from history and legend.

I love books like this as it allows me to own a variety of different artworks that I might not have experienced before and this book has a nice variety from different artists and periods. I also enjoyed the different quotes, out takes from stories and poems used to accompany the art, all touching on different aspects of magic and magic users in our culture.

My only complaint is that the artwork is only named in the very back and then by book pages, which is annoying since none of the pages in the book are numbered making it difficult to match art with name and artist. ( )
  Kellswitch | Jul 6, 2010 |
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Like the other books in our Magical Beings series, this one is a compact introduction to complex and intriguing aspects of reality. Here, Elizabeth Ratisseau presents magicians from legend and story. Magicians cause change through their supernatural powers. They occur in all cultures, and apparently even in pre-historic cultures. Some famous magicians are Paracelsus, Merlin, Eliphas Levi, and the Comte de Saint Germain. The illustrations in this volume are drawn largely from old storybooks for children, who like the rest of us, are fascinated by magic.

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