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Key Topics in Chronic Pain

par Kate M. Grady

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Key Topics in Chronic Pain is designed to help the professional understand the working of the chronic pain clinic, its patients and its treatments. Separate chapters describe the various clinical pain syndromes commonly encountered and their management. Emphasis is placed on the management of conditions as recommended by randomised controlled trials. Key Topics in Chronic Pain is invaluable for professionals and for students preparing for the FRCA examinations.… (plus d'informations)

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Key Topics in Chronic Pain is an entry level textbook for the Trainee Specialist studying for postgraduate examinations in Anaesthesia but its style and content will also make it valuable as a reference book for anaesthesia specialists, general practitioners, nurses, physiotherapists and psychologists who wish to know more about Pain Clinics. Written by two consultant anaesthetists and with a contribution by a consultant neurosurgeon, the book describes the pathophysiology and management of many conditions encountered in pain clinic practice. The authors introduce the concept of chronic pain as an illness as distinct from a symptom, and explain the basis of psychological assessment and management. Particular emphasis is placed on management based on evidence from randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews.
  LibraryPAH | Feb 17, 2016 |
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Key Topics in Chronic Pain is designed to help the professional understand the working of the chronic pain clinic, its patients and its treatments. Separate chapters describe the various clinical pain syndromes commonly encountered and their management. Emphasis is placed on the management of conditions as recommended by randomised controlled trials. Key Topics in Chronic Pain is invaluable for professionals and for students preparing for the FRCA examinations.

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