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Newton's Tyranny: The Suppressed Scientific Discoveries of Stephen Gray and John Flamsteed

par David H. Clark

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One of the great figures in history, Sir Isaac Newton personifies the triumph of scientific reason over ignorance. Yet for all his contributions to the Enlightenment, Newton was a deeply complex man who sometimes aggressively tried to obscure the intellectual achievements of others. Newton’s Tyranny is the story of two men who felt the full wrath of the great man’s hostility—the Reverend John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, and Stephen Gray, a humble dyer and amateur scientist. United not only by a love of science, but by a bitter and protracted conflict with Newton, the two men made significant contributions to science despite the obstacles that Newton placed in their path. Gray produced the first experiment in electrical communications, and Flamsteed pioneered observational astronomy and navigation. Drawing upon letters and historical documents,Newton’s Tyranny vividly recreates the British scientific community of the early 18th century. It was an era of great achievement, but the crucible of science was often heated by Machiavellian intrigue, uncontrollable ambition, and larger-than-life personalities. Against this dramatic setting, the saga of Newton, Flamsteed and Gray unfolds, a story of loyalty and commitment against great odds. A fascinating look at a forgotten piece of science history,Newton’s Tyranny exposes the dark side of a flawed genius while celebrating the ultimate triumph of two unsung heroes.… (plus d'informations)

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Science > England > History > 18th century/Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727/Flamsteed, John, 1646-1719/Gray, Stephen, 1666-1736
  Budzul | Jun 1, 2008 |
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One of the great figures in history, Sir Isaac Newton personifies the triumph of scientific reason over ignorance. Yet for all his contributions to the Enlightenment, Newton was a deeply complex man who sometimes aggressively tried to obscure the intellectual achievements of others. Newton’s Tyranny is the story of two men who felt the full wrath of the great man’s hostility—the Reverend John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, and Stephen Gray, a humble dyer and amateur scientist. United not only by a love of science, but by a bitter and protracted conflict with Newton, the two men made significant contributions to science despite the obstacles that Newton placed in their path. Gray produced the first experiment in electrical communications, and Flamsteed pioneered observational astronomy and navigation. Drawing upon letters and historical documents,Newton’s Tyranny vividly recreates the British scientific community of the early 18th century. It was an era of great achievement, but the crucible of science was often heated by Machiavellian intrigue, uncontrollable ambition, and larger-than-life personalities. Against this dramatic setting, the saga of Newton, Flamsteed and Gray unfolds, a story of loyalty and commitment against great odds. A fascinating look at a forgotten piece of science history,Newton’s Tyranny exposes the dark side of a flawed genius while celebrating the ultimate triumph of two unsung heroes.

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