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Delirium Acute confusional states in palliative medicine

par Augusto Caraceni

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Delirium is a complex syndrome with a multifactorial aetiology and is characterized by marked disturbances of consciousness, attention, memory, perception, thought, sleep-wake cycle, and by fluctuation of symptoms. This book covers in detail the pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects,differential diagnosis, and management of the syndrome.Due to the special characteristics of the syndrome, specific chapters deal with different aetiologies and populations at risk, with emphasis on the critically ill and palliative care patients. As delirium often announces or anticipates the proximity of death, family issues are considered in acomprehensive final chapter, covering the impact of terminal illness on the family and the process of bereavement. The book emphasises the need for assessing and diagnosing delirium with reliable instruments, and a chapter on assessment is reinforced by including appendices of many of the mostrelevant instruments reported in recent literature. The evidence from the literature is always distinguished from the authors' opinions and most chapters are integrated by the presentation of case examples. Updated for the second edition this book contains new material on topics includingclassification systems, more data on populations at risk, and significant new material on the family and bereavement.Delirium: Acute confusional states in palliative medicine, Second Edition demonstrates that only an interdisciplinary treatment of delirium between neurology, psychiatry and palliative medicine can develop knowledge of the syndrome and improve patient and family care. This book has been written forpalliative care physicians and specialist nurses, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other health professionals treating terminally ill patients, offering them a clear account of how to recognize and deal with the syndrome.… (plus d'informations)

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Delirium is a complex syndrome with a multi-factorial aetiology and it is characterised by marked disturbances of consciousness, attention, memory, perception, thought, sleep-wake cycle, and by fluctuation of symptoms. This book covers in detail the pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis, and management of the syndrome. Due to the special characteristics of the syndrome, specific chapters deal with different etiologies and populations at risk, with emphasis on the critically ill and palliative care patients. As delirium often announces or anticipates the proximity of death, family issues are considered in a comprehensive final chapter, covering the impact of terminal illness on the family and the process of bereavement. The book emphasises the need for assessing and diagnosing delirium with reliable instruments, and a chapter on assessment is reinforced by including appendices of many of the most relevant instruments reported in recent literature. The evidence from literature data is always distinguished from the authors' opinion and most chapters are integrated by the presentation of case examples. This book demonstrates that only an interdisciplinary treatment of delirium between neurology, psychiatry and palliative medicine can develop knowledge of the syndrome and improve patient and family care. This book has been written for palliative care physicians and specialist nurses, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other health professionals treating terminally ill patients, offering them a clear account of how to recognise and deal with the syndrome.
Review: It achieves its aim to encourage further exploration of this difficult area. Palliative Medicine, Vol 18, 2 This is a useful and stimulating book that takes our thinking about the meaning and management of delirium one step further. A worthy addition to the Palliative Care Service library. IAHPC website
  LibraryPAH | Feb 10, 2016 |
Delirium is a complex syndrome with a multifactorial aetiology and is characterized by marked disturbances of consciousness, attention, memory, perception, thought, sleep-wake cycle, and by fluctuation of symptoms. This book covers in detail the pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis, and management of the syndrome. Due to the special characteristics of the syndrome, specific chapters deal with different aetiologies and populations at risk, with emphasis on the critically ill and palliative care patients. As delirium often announces or anticipates the proximity of death, family issues are considered in a comprehensive final chapter, covering the impact of terminal illness on the family and the process of bereavement. The book emphasises the need for assessing and diagnosing delirium with reliable instruments, and a chapter on assessment is reinforced by including appendices of many of the most relevant instruments reported in recent literature. The evidence from the literature is always distinguished from the authors' opinions and most chapters are integrated by the presentation of case examples. Updated for the second edition this book contains new material on topics including classification systems, more data on populations at risk, and significant new material on the family and bereavement. Delirium: Acute confusional states in palliative medicine, Second Edition demonstrates that only an interdisciplinary treatment of delirium between neurology, psychiatry and palliative medicine can develop knowledge of the syndrome and improve patient and family care. This book has been written for palliative care physicians and specialist nurses, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other health professionals treating terminally ill patients, offering them a clear account of how to recognize and deal with the syndrome.
Review: This neat little book, now in its second edition, is a great little compendium for those wishing for a succinct update and reference book on delirium ... The book covers all the key areas of delirium from the history of the concept to diagnostic issues through to current theories of pathophysiology and of course covering key issues of clinical management. Commendably the importance of family and psychological issues are given appropriate attention. The text is succinct and clear throughout. For a textbook it is surprisingly up to date ... The 'case reports' (clinical vignettes) scattered through the book add a clinical context to the main text, helping to reinforce the key messages of the book and make the book easier and more interesting to read. British Journal of Hospital Medicine As with its predecessor, I think this would be a useful book to have on the palliative care service bookshelf. Roger Woodruff This is an unexpected book. It offers more than the title suggests. It is probably too expensive for most personal collections but should find a place in bench libraries in hospices, general hospitals and larger health centres. It should become essential reading for the psychiatrist working with the physically ill including those in palliative care. British Journal of Psychiatry
  LibraryPAH | Feb 10, 2016 |
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Delirium is a complex syndrome with a multifactorial aetiology and is characterized by marked disturbances of consciousness, attention, memory, perception, thought, sleep-wake cycle, and by fluctuation of symptoms. This book covers in detail the pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects,differential diagnosis, and management of the syndrome.Due to the special characteristics of the syndrome, specific chapters deal with different aetiologies and populations at risk, with emphasis on the critically ill and palliative care patients. As delirium often announces or anticipates the proximity of death, family issues are considered in acomprehensive final chapter, covering the impact of terminal illness on the family and the process of bereavement. The book emphasises the need for assessing and diagnosing delirium with reliable instruments, and a chapter on assessment is reinforced by including appendices of many of the mostrelevant instruments reported in recent literature. The evidence from the literature is always distinguished from the authors' opinions and most chapters are integrated by the presentation of case examples. Updated for the second edition this book contains new material on topics includingclassification systems, more data on populations at risk, and significant new material on the family and bereavement.Delirium: Acute confusional states in palliative medicine, Second Edition demonstrates that only an interdisciplinary treatment of delirium between neurology, psychiatry and palliative medicine can develop knowledge of the syndrome and improve patient and family care. This book has been written forpalliative care physicians and specialist nurses, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other health professionals treating terminally ill patients, offering them a clear account of how to recognize and deal with the syndrome.

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