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Ritos de muerte (Spanish Edition) par Alicia…

Ritos de muerte (Spanish Edition) (édition 2013)

par Alicia Giménez Bartlett (Auteur)

Séries: Petra Delicado (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3041589,965 (3.32)21
Book One of thePetra Delicadoseries Tough, sexy, at times apparently pitiless, Petra Delicado is a new kind of cop in Spanish crime writing. As she battles with sexist colleagues, ruthless reporters, indifferent witnesses, and hardened criminals, she sometimes thinks her thirst for new challenges and perpetual change is more trouble than it's worth. Inspector Delicado has been chained to a tiresome desk job in the documentation department of the Barcelona police force for months. But things are about to change. The department is short-handed and there's a serial rapist on the loose. Delicado is partnered with the portly and impossibly compliant Sergeant Fermín Garzón with orders to solve the case before it succeeds in ruining the good name of the Barcelona police force. However, the only lead they have is therapist's mysterious signature: a circular mark of unknown origins he leaves on his victims' forearms. No witnesses, no other leads, and no help from the victims themselves. To further complicate her life, Inspector Delicado is dealing with two ex-husbands, the belittling Hugo and incompetent Pepe. From the winner of the Feminino Lumen Prize for best female writer in Spain comes this gripping and entertaining book in thePetra Delicado series which was widely enjoyed by Spanish-language readers.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Ritos de muerte (Spanish Edition)
Auteurs:Alicia Giménez Bartlett (Auteur)
Info:Booket (2013), Edition: 1º ed. 1º imp, 368 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Rites de mort par Alicia Giménez Bartlett


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Un couple d'enquêteurs originaux, mais pourtant crédibles... un bon petit polar léger. ( )
  Nikoz | Mar 14, 2014 |
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Book One of thePetra Delicadoseries Tough, sexy, at times apparently pitiless, Petra Delicado is a new kind of cop in Spanish crime writing. As she battles with sexist colleagues, ruthless reporters, indifferent witnesses, and hardened criminals, she sometimes thinks her thirst for new challenges and perpetual change is more trouble than it's worth. Inspector Delicado has been chained to a tiresome desk job in the documentation department of the Barcelona police force for months. But things are about to change. The department is short-handed and there's a serial rapist on the loose. Delicado is partnered with the portly and impossibly compliant Sergeant Fermín Garzón with orders to solve the case before it succeeds in ruining the good name of the Barcelona police force. However, the only lead they have is therapist's mysterious signature: a circular mark of unknown origins he leaves on his victims' forearms. No witnesses, no other leads, and no help from the victims themselves. To further complicate her life, Inspector Delicado is dealing with two ex-husbands, the belittling Hugo and incompetent Pepe. From the winner of the Feminino Lumen Prize for best female writer in Spain comes this gripping and entertaining book in thePetra Delicado series which was widely enjoyed by Spanish-language readers.

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Moyenne: (3.32)
1 3
1.5 1
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3 23
3.5 10
4 23
4.5 1
5 1

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