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Remember Me

par Liz Byrski

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At eighteen Liz was separated from her first true love. Across the miles she dreamt of the day he would return to marry her, but fate had other plans and love was lost.Thirty-seven years later, she picks up the telephone to hear a voice from the past that still has the power to stop her in her tracks. This is an extraordinary, true story of love...… (plus d'informations)

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You will have realised from the above descriptor that this is a departure from my usual crime fiction,

I did not realise until I had nearly finished the book that this is a memoir, written hot on the heels of the author's reunion with Karl Heinz 37 years after they first met. By this time they had both been in other marriages, and the book ends just after their reunion.

Plenty of discussion points in the book. Was their original separation on the grounds that Liz was too young for marriage a valid one? What chance did their reunion have after they had spent so long apart, and had so many experiences that were not shared? ( )
  smik | Feb 26, 2022 |
Took a long time to get to the meat of the story. Would not recommend it. ( )
  Katyefk | Nov 6, 2014 |
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At eighteen Liz was separated from her first true love. Across the miles she dreamt of the day he would return to marry her, but fate had other plans and love was lost.Thirty-seven years later, she picks up the telephone to hear a voice from the past that still has the power to stop her in her tracks. This is an extraordinary, true story of love...

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Moyenne: (3.92)
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3.5 1
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5 3

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