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The Juvie Three (2008)

par Gordon Korman

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
4942250,858 (3.78)3
Gecko, Arjay, and Terence, all in trouble with the law, must find a way to keep their halfway house open in order to stay out of juvenile detention.

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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 23 (suivant | tout afficher)
I loved this book. Who cares if it might have been slightly far-fetched? Real life never makes any sense anyway. It was fast-paced with great characters and a few funny parts in the middle of the action. O.K. let me try to add a little more information here, since I forget books so quickly. Three guys from juvenile detention centers are chosen for a special experiment - they get to live with a social worker in an apartment in New York City and go to a regular school and have almost regular lives again. But if one of them messes up, they all have to go back to the detention centers. It's great, until they mess up. And try to cover it up. ( )
1 voter kamlibrarian | Dec 23, 2022 |
Last month, Gordon Korman came to visit our school. He spoke to the students in grades 3 through 8. It was a great experience. He even had writing sessions, where he taught the kids how to come up with their own stories. I only read one of his books, so I decided to read a few more.

As usual, I didn't read the synopsis of this book before I started. I like going into books without knowing what direction they will take. So, I was surprised when the accident happened and by the direction the book took afterwards.

This is one of those books where, everything that can go wrong does. The three boys face quite a few obstacles during their journey. I enjoyed following their journey and rooting for them to succeed. The boys each have their own unique personality and together they make quite a team.

This is a satisfying book about the opportunity for redemption and how important it is not to give up.

Recommended to:
Readers who enjoy realistic stories about second chances. Good for grades 4-8.

( )
  Jadedog13 | Feb 3, 2016 |
Good story. Will keep kids interested. ( )
  librarian1204 | Apr 26, 2013 |
Another book club hit!

I was really worried when I started this one that it was going to be like a Walter Dean Meyers book. (Not that I don't love those; I do. I've just read a lot of them already.) You know the scenario. Troubled teens get a second chance, but someone blows it. Will they do the right thing or not? Very plaid out cliche in literature, I think. Well, thankfully Gordon Korman came along and gave it fresh insight.

Yes, the cliche remains, but he doesn't beat the dead horse. There are no neat little bows wrapping up the plot at the end. No rainbows and unicorns-- at least not completely. Yes, there is that obvious "happy ending" that you knew was coming (so don't whine about a spoiler). BUT somethings were not solved in the way you might think. That made it believable, and I am thankful that not everything ended up sugary sweet.

The characters are a nice compliment to one another as well. Gecko is shy but funny. Arjay is misunderstood and layered. And Terrance is your basic pain in the arse thug wannabe. They interact nicely with one another, giving the perfect combination of conflict throughout the book. There were minor characters that make appearances too, but they aren't all that memorable. Ms. Vaughn makes me laugh with her obvious stereotypes, but beyond that... bleh.

It's a quick read. I flew threw it in two sittings. Great descriptions and some seriously funny LOL moments. I think MG readers would enjoy this one if they like stories about troubled youth getting second chances.
  flashlight_reader | Jan 4, 2013 |
The Juvie Three by Gordan Korman is a fantastic book. It's about a ( )
  1196302 | May 11, 2011 |
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Gecko Fosse is behind the wheel of a powder blue Infiniti M45 sedan, enjoying the thrum of the idling engine and not thinking.
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Gecko, Arjay, and Terence, all in trouble with the law, must find a way to keep their halfway house open in order to stay out of juvenile detention.

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Moyenne: (3.78)
1 1
2 3
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3 21
3.5 9
4 39
4.5 4
5 14

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