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Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender

par Kristen E. Kvam

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832334,399 (3)1
No other text has affected women in the western world as much as the story of "Eve and Adam". The story has engendered countless commentaries, has been used to argue the 'fallen' nature of humankind or to explain or exploit relations between the sexes, and has played a key role in justifying the ways of God toward man and woman. This remarkable anthology surveys more than 2,000 years of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim commentary on the biblical story that continues to raise fundamental questions about what it means to be a man or to be a woman.The selections range widely from early post biblical interpretations in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha to three commentaries written especially for this volume. The editors have included early rabbinic texts, interpretations from the New Testament, and commentaries from the Church Fathers. There are excerpts from the Quran, from medieval Jewish commentaries, from Thomas Aquinas and other later figures, as well as representative texts of the Protestant Reformation. One section focuses on nineteenth-century America and the antebellum debate on slavery, the struggle for women's equality, and new religious movements such as Shakerism and Christian Science. Twentieth century texts from all three traditions conclude the volume. A special appendix focuses on race and Genesis 1-3 at the turn of the new millennium.The tale told through these texts is a remarkable one of the hold the story of "Eve and Adam" has had on the western imagination. The editors note that though the biblical account has been invoked throughout history to justify all manner of oppression, there is an equally rich tradition of egalitarian interpretation, well-represented in this book. Far from a collection of lifeless, historical documents, these texts are lively representatives of a debate that continues to animate men and women to this day.… (plus d'informations)

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"Eve & Adam" is a very interesting book which it took me forever and a year to get through. In it the authors have compiled dozens of versions of Genesis 1-3 from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scriptures and traditions. To this they add other notable references from those traditions' apocrypha and commentaries, and then use all of this to show how Gen. 1-3 has shaped perceptions of men and women throughout various ages and various cultures. To this they add instances of the verses used to justify slavery, the egalitarian lifestyles of the Shakers and Oneida community, and womens lib, before finally examining feminist interpretations. It's a lot of heavy material to get through, but very interesting nonetheless.
  Trismegistus | Dec 22, 2007 |
I'm not going to say it's a bad book. There are very few books that draw together so many fine and seminal pieces of literature and play them against one another so well. It's a fine book.

There are, however, features of the book which are just maddening. Did ancient religious scholars stop to question the historicity of Genesis 1-3? No, out of enlightened self-interest they did not. As the modern inheritors of that legacy, we are not quite so bound up in the literal. I think the editors, all very capible, might have included more material from the mythological, metaphysical, and allegorical readings of creation and fall.

It is an exceptional book as it is--but it could be a real masterwork if some slightly more heretical material were included. ( )
  MerricMaker | Jun 9, 2007 |
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No other text has affected women in the western world as much as the story of "Eve and Adam". The story has engendered countless commentaries, has been used to argue the 'fallen' nature of humankind or to explain or exploit relations between the sexes, and has played a key role in justifying the ways of God toward man and woman. This remarkable anthology surveys more than 2,000 years of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim commentary on the biblical story that continues to raise fundamental questions about what it means to be a man or to be a woman.The selections range widely from early post biblical interpretations in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha to three commentaries written especially for this volume. The editors have included early rabbinic texts, interpretations from the New Testament, and commentaries from the Church Fathers. There are excerpts from the Quran, from medieval Jewish commentaries, from Thomas Aquinas and other later figures, as well as representative texts of the Protestant Reformation. One section focuses on nineteenth-century America and the antebellum debate on slavery, the struggle for women's equality, and new religious movements such as Shakerism and Christian Science. Twentieth century texts from all three traditions conclude the volume. A special appendix focuses on race and Genesis 1-3 at the turn of the new millennium.The tale told through these texts is a remarkable one of the hold the story of "Eve and Adam" has had on the western imagination. The editors note that though the biblical account has been invoked throughout history to justify all manner of oppression, there is an equally rich tradition of egalitarian interpretation, well-represented in this book. Far from a collection of lifeless, historical documents, these texts are lively representatives of a debate that continues to animate men and women to this day.

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