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Mirror Image

par Clair M. Poulson

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311794,027 (3.8)Aucun

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A very young woman felt she was finally safe - fleeing with a handsome man from the frightening, abusive situation she endured with her cruel father and brother. They were married in Las Vegas and she was now protectively pregnant with their child. While traveling on a highway in Utah, one snowy night, something dark rushed onto the highway and stopped. Unable to stop the vehicle in time, it skidded into the object then all went black. When she awoke, she was alone with strange people in a hospital and her husband was never seen. She was in severe pain and was rushed to the labor room where twin boys were delivered by C-Section...Twin boys she would never see, never hold.

When seven years old, Rafe witnessed his adoptive mother get murdered at a robbery of their local bank. Although for years following he suffered frequent nightmares, he lived a productive life on a ranch and riding in rodeos where he gained fame.

Greg was a dynamic basketball player in High School, and gained much public attention. Lyndsay had a crush on him but their lifestyles were very different. She one day noticed in a newspaper Greg's picture on a wild horse...Greg would never ride horses or wear cowboy attire! Shockingly, he lived nowhere near Greg...yet, they looked identical!

The story continues with a huge amount of action and twists! The adventures never cease. I listened to the book on CD where David Walker did an excellent job in reading and creative effective voices.

The Title is perfect and the book cover reflects the title well. It also creates reader interest.

The development of the characters were done very effectively and they seemed very real. The background scenes and action were also created well and described clearly. This was indeed well-written, smoothly flowing from one scene to the next. This was a very cleanly written, Christian fiction.

My review of this book rates it with a strong Five Stars rating. ( )
  LAWonder10 | Apr 12, 2014 |
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