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par Doug TenNapel

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A boy survives a plane crash and is rescued by a Bigfoot named Flink.

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This my first graphic novel by this author.
While I can't say it wow-ed me, it was certainly an interesting read. It had the right amount of tension to keep me uneasy and reading. Pretty good story.

  QuirkyCat_13 | Jun 20, 2022 |
This is a cute and sweet early graphic novel from Doug TenNapel. "Early" means it is black and whiteäóîbut this largely takes place in a snowstorm, so it is also appropriate.

Definitely more middle grade than YA for this oneäóîa little scary, a little sad. And then happy endings all around. ( )
  Dreesie | Apr 12, 2016 |
Who doesn’t want to believe that magic sasquatches roam the pacific northwest as hidden, photo-averse park rangers? Cute-haters, that’s who. (Reminded me tangentially of the great Futurama episode involving the sasquatch.) ( )
  WorldMaker | Jan 3, 2008 |
Conrad, a young teenage boy, gets to go on his first hunting trip with his father, who works for some government agency tasked to capture one or more bigfoot creatures. Conrad doesn't seem terribly interested in the hunt, since he never stops playing video games. When the plane crashes into a lake, Conrad assumes that his father died in the crash.

Conrad tries to make his way out of the Washington forest on foot, but he has only a small pocket knife and no provisions. Upon waking up after the first cold night, Conrad finds a trail of berries, which he follows. The berries lead to a cave, which unfortunately houses a bear. As the bear chases Conrad, the adultbigfoot who left the trail of berries comes out of hiding and helps Conrad escape from the bear.
During the rescue, the bigfoot gets bitten by the bear, and Conrad does his best to provide first aid.

TenNaple's art consists of lots of broad strokes. He draws with excellent consistency from frame to frame, but the broader brushes give a feeling more like a storyboard than a finished product. The art does well enough to convey the story, but I think some finer details could have conveyed more subtle emotions beyond base emotions like fear and sorrow.

Read my full review at interrogation reports. ( )
  tjeffress | Jul 18, 2008 |
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A boy survives a plane crash and is rescued by a Bigfoot named Flink.

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