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Kinder Krunchies: Healthy Snack Recipes for Children (1982)

par Karen S. Jenkins

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4 sur 4
This cookbook is geared towards children who arent avid readers. It has great step by step instructions for many different recipes. One of the recipes that I thought was great was Nutty Numbers.

Personal reaction:
This is a really great book for parents to make things with kids

Classroom extensions:
1)Do a class project like make a recipe in class
2) Let students bring a recipe from home complete with their own handdrawn pictures
  queenreyna2u | Apr 15, 2011 |
Summary: It's a recipe book designed for preschoolers. It uses pictured for the step by step instructions. It also has a "What do you think" section with questions to talk about.

Personal Experience: I plan on buying the book because I liked it so much.

Classroom Ideas: I would hand out the recipe steps to the students to color. We can also make a recipe as a class. It would be a great book to teach the concept sequence and using instructions.
  Maria.kuntz | Apr 14, 2011 |
Kinder Krunchies is a cook book for children. It gives you alot of great recipes that you could use in the classroom or at home.
I did not know that cook books are considered non-fiction books.

I can relate to this kind of book because my husband is a Chef. we have all kinds of cook books all over the house. I love it because we are the ginuea pigs of all his creations. YUM!

You could do a health unity and talk about different foods. Unhealthy vs. Healthy. Mkae a healthy snack together in class. An example for Halloween could be Monster Toast. Have the children make up their own monster recipe and name it. Teach them that measuring skills are very important for their final product to taste good.
  gena93 | Nov 8, 2010 |
This is a very old Discovery Toys Cook Book that was my son's 1st cookbook which has easy recipes for 3 and 4 year olds to make! ( )
  booklovers2 | Aug 24, 2009 |
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Dedicated to: Bentley, Elizabeth and Suzanne, my family, and Barb Montgomery, my friend.
--K.S. J.
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To the Grown-Ups:
Kinder-Krunchies was written to help you, whether parent or teacher, as you work with children.
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