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Who Wrote the Bible Code? : A Physicist Probes the Current Controversy

par Randall Ingermanson

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What is the truth about the Bible code? How can you decide what to believe? Why does it matter? Around the world, men and women are captivated by a theory so incredible that, if proven true, it would forever revolutionize mankind’s view of Scripture. Some experts have claimed the Bible contains a code that accurately predicts today’s events. Others renounce the Bible code theory as unfounded. Using a new statistical test that promises to provide an authoritative, credible answer to the Bible code debate, computational physicist Dr. Randall Ingermanson leads you on an easily understandable, meticulously planned investigation of the evidence at hand–addressing the most urgent questions surrounding the Bible code controversy and carefully examining how recent findings could affect your faith.… (plus d'informations)

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For readers who want to skip the math and go directly to the writer's answer to the book's title question, turn to chapters 13 & 14. Question: Who wrote the Bible code? Answer: "Nobody wrote the Bible code. There is no Bible Code." (p. 137)

Leading up to his blunt conclusion that there is no Bible code, Ingermanson allowed for a tiny bit of wiggle room by saying earlier that the amount of information encoded in the Bible is either zero or very, very small.

Robert M. Haralick, a proponent of Bible codes, believes that Ingermanson missed the point of the original published statistical paper on the Torah codes, "The Great Rabbis Experiment," by Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg. According to Haralick, Ingermanson appears to disprove what none of these writers claimed. Ingermanson's arugument was faulty because he set up an alternate code hypothesis for his refutation. The original Torah code hypothesis still stands. ( )
  MrJack | Nov 3, 2008 |
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What is the truth about the Bible code? How can you decide what to believe? Why does it matter? Around the world, men and women are captivated by a theory so incredible that, if proven true, it would forever revolutionize mankind’s view of Scripture. Some experts have claimed the Bible contains a code that accurately predicts today’s events. Others renounce the Bible code theory as unfounded. Using a new statistical test that promises to provide an authoritative, credible answer to the Bible code debate, computational physicist Dr. Randall Ingermanson leads you on an easily understandable, meticulously planned investigation of the evidence at hand–addressing the most urgent questions surrounding the Bible code controversy and carefully examining how recent findings could affect your faith.

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