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Classic Fairy Tales par Scott Gustafson

Classic Fairy Tales (original 2003; édition 2003)

par Scott Gustafson (Auteur)

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355875,472 (4.5)1
An illustrated collection of ten traditional fairy tales, including "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," "Puss in Boots," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Snow White," "Tom Thumb," "Hansel and Gretel," "The Frog Prince," "Rumpelstilkins," "Cinderella," and "Three Pigs."
Titre:Classic Fairy Tales
Auteurs:Scott Gustafson (Auteur)
Info:Artisan (2003), Edition: 8th, 144 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Classic Fairy Tales par Scott Gustafson (2003)


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Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel & Gretel
  brooklinebookbarn | Jul 1, 2020 |
I've always been a cultural traditionalist in weird ways--trying to find value in the traditional because it's so easy to dismiss it with an eye roll--but I'm slowly coming around to the idea that the old stories are outmoded and we need a New Soviet Book of Instructive Parables instead. Like, kids need to grapple with death too but the sheer weight of the blood and the gender stuff (winning the princess etc.) and the gold-lust that is a constant motivation at some point makes it hard to deny that these stories just have really bad values. The Hildebrandt brothers art is a great thing in this volume though. ( )
  MeditationesMartini | Jan 11, 2017 |
A delightful collection of eight beautifully illustrated classic fairy tales. Each carefully drawn illustration perfectly matches the content of each tale. The sweetness of Goldilocks and her blond curls is in contrast to the civilized and formally dressed three bears who find that Goldilocks has rudely broken into their house. The innocent and pure beauty of Snow White contrasts the hard beauty of the Queen who wished to always be the "fairest of them all". The Queen's transformation into an old woman who visits Snow White three times in order to kill her demonstrates the depths the Queen would go for her vanity. People who favor the Disney versions of this classic fairy tales will be surprised and delighted by the more traditional version of each tale where Snow white is not saved by a kiss but by the dislodging of a piece of poisonous apple in her mouth. The heroes of each tale do live happily ever after as each protagonist triumphs over evil. ( )
  trippd | Jul 17, 2016 |
I bought this book for two reasons: first, I love fairy Tales and secondly, the artist of the book is so good, everything went alive while I read and watched the pages :) I guess it is an amazing book, if you have kids i am sure they are gonna love it ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
Since I never really read fairytales and all the other tales as chid, I found this book very interesting. I like how the little "fairy tales" are divided and easy to read. The illustrations were older and painted in a way that was representative of the text. I believe that children who are younger and adults would enjoy this book because it provides multiple stories. For example, in the beginning of the book they include the story of the three little bears. On each of the pages, there is a beautiful picture that would interest the readers. The pictures took up a majority of the pages, however, they are very critical to adding to the meaning of the story. The pictures help with people like me who are twenty and have never heard of these stories gather the mental image necessary to understand.The plot is always changing as for the stories are from all around the world.I had the opportunity to read fairytales that I have never heard before such as Rumpelstilkins. I enjoyed reading the little stories, however, I feel like I would enjoyed reading this book in an entirety or hear a longer version of the story from another author. As I skimmed through the stories, I felt like they could have been grouped better. I felt like they were put in order by seeing which ones fit on the page. Im not a fairy tale princess by any means, but I think I could of done better. I think it is important that they folk tales and fairy tales included were honest and able to teach life lessons such as little red Riding Hood, The Frog Prince, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. ( )
  jspare2 | Apr 2, 2015 |
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An illustrated collection of ten traditional fairy tales, including "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," "Puss in Boots," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Snow White," "Tom Thumb," "Hansel and Gretel," "The Frog Prince," "Rumpelstilkins," "Cinderella," and "Three Pigs."

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Scott Gustafson est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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