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If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be…

If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans (édition 2008)

par Ann Coulter

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
356675,246 (3.32)7
A compilation of hundreds of quotations by the controversial conservative spokesperson offers observations on Democrats, dating, environmentalism, religion, evolution, Reagan, terrorism, television, and hundreds of other topics.
Titre:If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans
Auteurs:Ann Coulter
Info:Three Rivers Press (2008), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 288 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans par Ann Coulter


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Why on earth does this woman even bother to write? What a squander of valuable print. ( )
2 voter Praj05 | Apr 5, 2013 |
I dare you to read this one!
This is one of those books you could nearly read in an afternoon. Ann takes you through some of her best work in a topical fashion. She is one of the best at quick-witted one liners that make the left (and sometimes the right) squirm but you will more often than not agree with her sentiment.
There is a lack of substance in this book however since it goes through her best work rather than take on an issue with renewed vigilance but I can wait for the next book (or interview) to see her do that.
I dare you to read this one! :D ( )
  gopfolk | Aug 26, 2011 |
I felt a little cheated that so much of this content has been published in Ann's earlier books and articles. It was all familiar to me and not a lot struck me as new. Still, it's a good read and the content is worth re-reading. ( )
  dsullivan800 | Sep 29, 2008 |
Very much a collection of quotes from the newspapers, columns, etc on a variety of issues. While humorous at times, I do wish she had provided her own ideas of what a practical solution would've been instead of what the Democrats were coming up with. I can see where some of her comments could be taken out of context, but most of the time, she was spot-on in her assessments. ( )
  NemesisClaws | Apr 13, 2008 |
Eh. I go through phases on whether I like Ann Coulter ot not. Sometimes she's fuunny and makes a good point, other times she's said something unhelpful and I disagree. More often than not it is the former. Perhaps I like her just because she pisses off the people who piss me off. I do wish though she'd write one absolutely serious and sober book on conservatism or foreign policy or something without one snide joke at all, just to mess with people's heads. I mean, she ain't dumb, she is a lawyer.

First, this is the first book I have ever read of Coulter's, though I've read many of her columns and seen her on the boob tube. Is she offensive? Yes. But that's her schtick. Does she make sense? I think so. This book is merely a collection of quotes from interviews, TV appearances, columns, books, etc., all organized by theme, taxes, terrorism, etc. The book is fun, I read it pretty quickly, but, then again, I am fairly conservative. Does she use hyperbole? Yes. Does she believe 100% of what she says? I don't think so, perhaps 95%. She does point out, and eviscerate, liberal/socialist/Democrat weaknesses - then she will proceed to beat them as if they were the proverbial dead horse. The latter is perhaps where she goes too far, or needlessly calling people names. But, while she's calling someone a name, she is pointing out their faults in the next breath. That part is often lost - except by those who like her and perhaps agree with her anyway. Thus, in the end, she will rarely convince anyone who doesn't agree with her, but she is fun to listen to if you're in the proverbial choir. Alas, I'd like to give this book maybe a 3.95, but 4 is good enough. ( )
  tuckerresearch | Oct 30, 2007 |
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Uttering lines that send liberals into paroxysms of rage, otherwise know as "citing facts," is the spice of life.
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A compilation of hundreds of quotations by the controversial conservative spokesperson offers observations on Democrats, dating, environmentalism, religion, evolution, Reagan, terrorism, television, and hundreds of other topics.

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