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Dreams Underfoot: A Newford Collection par…

Dreams Underfoot: A Newford Collection (original 1993; édition 2003)

par Charles de Lint, John Jude Palencar (Illustrateur)

Séries: Newford Stories (01)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,163397,684 (4.1)87
Welcome to Newford: to the music clubs, the waterfront, and the alleyways where ancient myths and magic spill into the modern world. Gemmins live in abandoned cars and skells traverse the tunnels below, while mermaids swim in the grey harbor waters and fill the cold night with their song. Come meet Jilly, painting wonders in the rough city streets; and Geordie, playing fiddle while he dreams of a ghost; and the Angel of Grasso Street gathering the fey and the wild and the poor and the lost. Dreams Underfoot is a must-read book not only for fans of urban fantasy but for all who seek magic in everyday life.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Dreams Underfoot: A Newford Collection
Auteurs:Charles de Lint
Autres auteurs:John Jude Palencar (Illustrateur)
Info:Orb Books (2003), Paperback, 416 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

Information sur l'oeuvre

Dreams Underfoot: A Newford Collection par Charles de Lint (1993)

Récemment ajouté parbibliothèque privée, Cudman, scruffy76, SSFFSlibrary, Nsoderma, SF4MLibrary, Joy1813, TinyBookDragon, CraftyLyss
  1. 30
    Memory and Dream par Charles de Lint (Kerian)
    Kerian: Memory and Dream takes place before Dreams Underfoot. A difference is that it's a novel versus a collection of short stories. If you wish to continue with short stories in this series, The Ivory and the Horn is the next short story collection.… (plus d'informations)
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    Everville par Clive Barker (Utilisateur anonyme)
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    A Game of Thrones par George R. R. Martin (Utilisateur anonyme)

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» Voir aussi les 87 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 39 (suivant | tout afficher)
It’s hard for me to characterize this book, because it’s not just a short story collection, but neither is it a novel. It’s a set of stories of which *most* have some connection with several others, in the setting or with recurring characters or in themes. These were mostly sweet and, yes dreamy, stories of a magical world that lies just adjacent to the city of Newford. But just as I’d begin to fall into the comfortable rhythm of these connections, I’d be knocked right out of it with stories that didn’t bear any resemblance at all. These were much darker stories, and some without any supernatural elements. And a few had a finger-wagging, moralistic tone that I didn’t care for. The first half of the book was definitely the strongest, as I found my attention wandering through most of the rest. There were a few frankly boring stories where characters sat around telling each other things instead of the reader actually experiencing them.

Overall, though, I’d recommend this collection, for those sweet, dreamy, magical stories of Newford, full of wonder and fantastical creatures and artsy characters who find themselves and each other and a sense of community in it.

Audiobook, borrowed from my public library, with a very good performance by Kate Reading.

I read this book for the Booklikes Halloween Bingo 2019, for the square Cryptozoologist: Any supernatural creature, from Ammit to Ziz. These stories featured a plethora of creatures and beings – dryads, fae, gnomes, mermaids, demon dogs, etc. – although my favorites were the balloon-men and a 2 foot high angry booger.
  Doodlebug34 | Jan 1, 2024 |
I dunno, I like these stories. They make me happy. ( )
  Kiramke | Jun 27, 2023 |
I love these stories. I'm rereading the collection, and it's like seeing old friends again. De Lint writes a rich story where the real- and dreamworlds are so close, they can melt into each other. ( )
  alkatraz | May 4, 2023 |
This is a series of short stories that ended up feeling like a novel. Each story takes place in the fictional city of Newford, with recurring characters.

Each story is a micro-urban fantasy story. Ghosts, mermaids, boogeymen, and just overall paranormal magical realism. The theme that runs through all the stories is that magic is real if we believe in it.

Loved this collection! ( )
  sriddell | Aug 6, 2022 |
Dreams Underfoot introduces readers to DeLint's imaginary Canadian city of Newford: a mecca for urban fantasy. Magic is on the streets of Newford, if you just know where to look for it, often in unusual places, or more accurately perhaps, if you believe in it. Newford is home to many imaginary creatures, some sinister and some benign. The novel is a collection of 19 stories, many of which tie into others, with a small group of central characters, such as the free-spirited artist Jilly Coppercorn: most are involved in the creative arts --music, painting or writing or in charity. There are many cultural themes too, such as Kickaha native american and Celtic myths. Very weird though. I will probably read another book before deciding whether or not to read the whole series. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 39 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Charles de Lintauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Palencar, John JudeArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. --W.B.Yeats, from "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven"
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She would see them in the twilight when the wind was right, roly-poly shapes propelled by ocean breezes, turning end-over-end along the beach or down the alley behind her house like errant beach balls granted a moment's freedom.
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Welcome to Newford: to the music clubs, the waterfront, and the alleyways where ancient myths and magic spill into the modern world. Gemmins live in abandoned cars and skells traverse the tunnels below, while mermaids swim in the grey harbor waters and fill the cold night with their song. Come meet Jilly, painting wonders in the rough city streets; and Geordie, playing fiddle while he dreams of a ghost; and the Angel of Grasso Street gathering the fey and the wild and the poor and the lost. Dreams Underfoot is a must-read book not only for fans of urban fantasy but for all who seek magic in everyday life.

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