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Who Named the Daisy? Who Named the Rose? (1976)

par Mary B. Durant

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402641,373 (4.67)Aucun
"Fun as well as factual, this delightful dictionary is a compendium of information that every plant fancier and nature lover will appreciate. the author, herself an accomplished gardener and successful nature writer, traces the origins of the names of over a hundred common wild flowers and discovers some fascinating legends and entertaining truths along the way. Many plants are illustrated." --provided by Amazon.… (plus d'informations)

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A Garden of Words by Martha Barnette ( )
  EdGoldberg | Dec 17, 2012 |
one of my favorite flower lore books. lots of interesting stories about plants. ( )
  EdinaMonsoon | Mar 17, 2007 |
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For my husband Michael Harwood. I have a rival in every bird. He has a rival in every flower.
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Introduction: This book began several years ago in a wet meadow in Maine, where I had picked a stalk of mitrewort, or bishop's hat, as it is sometimes known - a wildflower with starry white blossoms that grow in a slender spire.
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Wikipédia en anglais


"Fun as well as factual, this delightful dictionary is a compendium of information that every plant fancier and nature lover will appreciate. the author, herself an accomplished gardener and successful nature writer, traces the origins of the names of over a hundred common wild flowers and discovers some fascinating legends and entertaining truths along the way. Many plants are illustrated." --provided by Amazon.

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