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Machine City Knights

par Erin A. Bisson

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Like the phoenix, Elysium was born from ashes-the flames of a cataclysm that devoured the entire world. Now the shining megalopolis towers above the blasted ruins of the barrenlands, its sleekly shining towers and glittering arcologies a testament to recovery and rebirth for humans and mechanicals, while high above soars the solid-light trunk of Yggdrasil, data-Tree of the Aidoneus System, maintaining safety and security for all.But a blight is spreading through the Machine City. Gaping dimensional maws that reveal a chaotic abyss-the Bleeds-shred the air without warning, disgorging marauding Phages that slaughter and capture Elysium's citizens, never to be seen again. And, as the Bleed frequency spirals, Aidoneus grows more erratic...and, perhaps, aware.The source of the Bleeds must be found-before Elysium becomes ground zero for a second cataclysm.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJarandel

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Plot isn't exceptional but fairly nice characters and a slightly unusual setting for cyberpunk. There are social inequalities but it's not dystopian or hopeless and some of the characters are cops who are actually determined to do their job and competent, rather than corrupt or 99.99% privatized. ( )
  Jarandel | May 27, 2024 |
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Like the phoenix, Elysium was born from ashes-the flames of a cataclysm that devoured the entire world. Now the shining megalopolis towers above the blasted ruins of the barrenlands, its sleekly shining towers and glittering arcologies a testament to recovery and rebirth for humans and mechanicals, while high above soars the solid-light trunk of Yggdrasil, data-Tree of the Aidoneus System, maintaining safety and security for all.But a blight is spreading through the Machine City. Gaping dimensional maws that reveal a chaotic abyss-the Bleeds-shred the air without warning, disgorging marauding Phages that slaughter and capture Elysium's citizens, never to be seen again. And, as the Bleed frequency spirals, Aidoneus grows more erratic...and, perhaps, aware.The source of the Bleeds must be found-before Elysium becomes ground zero for a second cataclysm.

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