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Michael Hague's World of Unicorns

par Michael Hague

Autres auteurs: Rodger Smith (Paper Engineering), John Strejan (Paper Engineering)

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Text and pop-up-pictures present some of the lore associated with the mythical unicorn.

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Prolific children's author and artist Michael Hague joined forces with paper engineers John Strejan and Rodger Smith in this pop-up book from 1986, highlighting the beauty and enchantment of unicorns. In six two-page spreads, various pop-up scenes—art by Hague, paper engineering by the Strejan / Smith team—are paired with a narrative describing some of the magical qualities of these mythic equines, from the flowers which spring from their steps to the healing power of their horns. Born from flowers and protected by the fairies, the unicorn brings a sense of safety and well-being to all who surround him...

I've been on something of a unicorn kick recently, and after reading and enjoying the 1999 picture book, Michael Hague's Magical World of Unicorns, which pairs various quotations about unicorns with Hague's artwork, I discovered this earlier, similarly-titled book. As it happens, many databases combine the two books (I had to separate them out, on two sites that I use), under the mistaken impression they are the same. However that may be, I am glad that I sought this one out, as I found it quite charming. I am not a pop-up aficionado (even as a child I didn't gravitate to the form), but I think that element of the book holds up fairly well, given that it is almost forty years old at this point. The paper elements aren't as complicated as what one would find in a Robert Sabuda or Matthew Reinhart title, but are still quite engaging, and the artwork itself is vintage Hague—enjoyable for me, even if rarely a personal favorite. There isn't really much of a story here, just some discussion of how unicorns live in Fairyland, but the overall reading and viewing experience with Michael Hague's World of Unicorns was a pleasure. Recommended to young unicorn fans, and to anyone who enjoys pop-up books and paper engineering. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | May 23, 2024 |
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Michael Hagueauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Smith, RodgerPaper Engineeringauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Strejan, JohnPaper Engineeringauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Please do not combine this with "Michael Hague's Magical World of Unicorns." That is a picture book, and a separate work. This is an earlier pop-up, with a similar name.
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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Text and pop-up-pictures present some of the lore associated with the mythical unicorn.

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