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Hoog sensitieve personen : hoe blijf je…

Hoog sensitieve personen : hoe blijf je overeind als de wereld je overweldigt (original 1999; édition 2008)

par Elaine N. Aron, Marja Waterman

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,425306,544 (3.77)34
"Pour mieux comprendre l'hypersensibilit et en faire votre plus grande force Trop souvent perue tort comme une raction exagre aux stimuli du quotidien, l'hypersensibilit est largement rpandue dans nos socits, o une personne sur cinq vit avec ses consquences. Mal gre, cette surdose d'motions ouvre la voie la peur de l'autre, du monde et de l'engagement, de mme qu'au manque d'assurance et d'amour-propre. Elle constitue pourtant un atout de taille qui permet de discerner mille et une subtilits de l'environnement insouponnes des autres. Grce Elaine Aron, prenez enfin conscience des effets de la suractivation de votre systme nerveux sur votre carrire, vos relations et votre vie intrieure, et dcouvrez des pistes pour surmonter les obstacles auxquels vous vous heurtez depuis toujours. Cet ouvrage vous permettra non seulement d'accepter le trait de caractre qui vous distingue, mais galement d'en faire une force dans toutes les sphres de votre vie."… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Hoog sensitieve personen : hoe blijf je overeind als de wereld je overweldigt
Auteurs:Elaine N. Aron
Autres auteurs:Marja Waterman
Info:Amsterdam [etc.] : Archipel; 308 p, 22 cm;
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Ces gens qui ont peur d'avoir peur : Mieux comprendre l'hypersensibilité par Elaine N. Aron (1999)


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» Voir aussi les 34 mentions

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This is a pretty good self-help book. But it missed something if a highly sensitive person was not extremely conscientious when they not be the same as a vulnerable narcissist. I think the only difference between a highly sensitive person and a narcissist is the conscientiousness. ( )
  laurelzito | Jun 6, 2024 |
After reading Susan Cain's wonderful book about introverts, I wanted to follow up with this one about highly sensitive people. These two classifications or traits are not the same and in the description of highly sensitive people I found many that described me, so I was intrigued.

But in fact, you are better off reading the chapter Cain devotes to Aron and her research and description of the trait, than you are in reading Aron herself. Aron, in spite of saying countless times that the trait is not an illness, not a defect, goes on each time to tell you what you can do to fix it or compensate. I felt far more ill after reading the first few chapters than I did before I started. In fact, I didn't feel at all ill before I started. I already knew that noise, violence, too many people, chaos, bothered me far more than anyone else around me, and I've found ways to deal with them -- mainly avoidance.

I guess I didn't pick up on the fact that this is a self-help book (hence the subtitle "How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You") and thought it was an exposition and discussion of the topic. Even so, it seemed to me to be written at a very low level. For me it was just to boring to try to plod on. ( )
1 voter dvoratreis | May 22, 2024 |
Overall, I think this book is still worth a read for anyone interested in learning more about HSPs and trying to figure out if they are one.

I would like to see an updated version of the book, since there are certainly some areas that are out-dated or didn't age well. For example: many of the family examples refer to hetero paired parents, there's a metaphor about how serotonin behaves like police, the author ponders appropriating Indigenous culture, and there's much more information now on medications. I have been exploring the topic of neurodiversity and ADHD in particular, and would like to have seen this discussed in relation to HSP.

There are some instances where the author has included stories about incredibly traumatic experiences like suicide and rape. I don't think these examples were necessary, and they were very jarring for me, and I imagine they'd be especially triggering for anyone that has had similar experiences, even more so if they are HSPs. ( )
1 voter matsuko | Aug 17, 2023 |
The author started studying what she calls the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) in 1992. She counts herself among HSPs and estimates it pertains to 15 to 20 percent of the population. “Most people ignore sirens, glaring lights, strange odors, clutter and chaos. HSPs are disturbed by them.”

I was interested in this book to find out more about people that experience “sensory overload” in situations with lots of sights and sounds, such as arcades, casinos, and even department stores. They need significant amounts of solitude in order to recover. The root cause is the sensitivity of the person’s nervous system, which is more easily overwhelmed in a stimulating environment.

She opens this updated version with the science behind her own studies and that of others. An initial test will help readers determine if they fall into the HSP category. The bulk of the narrative is targeted at self-help. The author is trained in Jungian psychology and it shows in the jargon she employs. Some of it was a bit too “New Age-y” for my personal taste, but I did find it worthwhile. If you or a significant person in your life may be an HSP, this book will provide useful information.
( )
  Castlelass | Oct 30, 2022 |
A solid book explaining why some people are much more sensitive than others and how to deal with it if you are one of those people. The descriptions of hypersensitivity definitely resonate with my own experiences. I wish it went into much more detail on how to deal with it in real life. Aron tries to cover too many topics-- childhood experiences, work, relationships, etc.-- that makes the book seem a bit unfocused and the information/advice too general to be truly helpful in any practical way. ( )
  serru | Oct 6, 2022 |
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I believe in aristocracy, though - if that is the right word, and if a democrat may use it. Not an aristocracy of power... but... of the sensitive, the considerate... Its members are to be found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secret understanding between them when they meet. They represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory of our queer race over cruelty and chaos. Thousands of them perish in obscurity, a few are great names. They are sensitive for others as well as themselves, they are considerate without being fussy, their pluck is not swankiness but the power to endure...

E.M.Forster, "What I Believe," in Two Cheers for Democracy
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To Irene Bernardicou Pettit, Ph.D. - being both poet and peasant, she knew how to plant this seed and tend it until it blossomed.

To Art, who especially loves the flowers - one more love we share.
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"Cry baby!"
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"Pour mieux comprendre l'hypersensibilit et en faire votre plus grande force Trop souvent perue tort comme une raction exagre aux stimuli du quotidien, l'hypersensibilit est largement rpandue dans nos socits, o une personne sur cinq vit avec ses consquences. Mal gre, cette surdose d'motions ouvre la voie la peur de l'autre, du monde et de l'engagement, de mme qu'au manque d'assurance et d'amour-propre. Elle constitue pourtant un atout de taille qui permet de discerner mille et une subtilits de l'environnement insouponnes des autres. Grce Elaine Aron, prenez enfin conscience des effets de la suractivation de votre systme nerveux sur votre carrire, vos relations et votre vie intrieure, et dcouvrez des pistes pour surmonter les obstacles auxquels vous vous heurtez depuis toujours. Cet ouvrage vous permettra non seulement d'accepter le trait de caractre qui vous distingue, mais galement d'en faire une force dans toutes les sphres de votre vie."

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