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Love Under The Stars (The Lilac Lake Inn Series Book 3)

par Judith Keim

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Keeping a family promise can be the beginning of a whole new life for everyone in town Whitney Gilford is delighted to be called away from Hollywood where her co-star and former lover, Zane Blanchard, is addicted to drugs and blaming her for his unhappiness. News of her beloved grandmother, GG, giving her and her sisters a cottage on the land of The Lilac Lake Inn is a tremendous relief from the negative publicity about her on social media. In Lilac Lake, helping with the renovation of the cottage, Whitney starts to rethink her entire career. Lilac Lake is full of interesting people, including the man she'd once had a crush on. As she struggles to rediscover the woman she wants to be, Whitney and her two sisters become closer. And when danger arises, threatening the life of the man she's come to love, Whitney realizes what she wants out of a new life. Another of Judith Keim's series books celebrating love and families, strong women meeting challenges, and clean women's fiction with a touch of romance—beach reads for all ages with a touch of humor, satisfying twists, and happy endings.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parFDarlene491, susan0316

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance reader copy of this story. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is my first book in the Lilac Lake Inn series. While I liked the story well enough, I can't say I'm going to go back to read the first two. The characters were fine but not engaging. I wasn't invested in the main characters although I did really like the grandmother, GG. The ghost in the cabin was interesting and I'd have liked more of that storyline. Maybe it was covered in the other books. I liked the old flame to current flame plot and was glad it worked out for everyone.

#Netgalley #LoveUnderTheStars #JudithKeim #WildQuailPublishing #LilacLakeInn #younglovetocurrentlove ( )
  FDarlene491 | Jun 13, 2024 |
Book three in the Lilac Inn series is all about Whitney. Whitney and her two sisters Dani and Taylor are working to restore the cottage near the Lilac Inn. In books one and two each of her sisters have found their happily ever after. Will it be Whitney's turn to discover love after the turmoil in her life for the last year?

Whitney went to Hollywood at a young age and became a star. When she left to pursue her dreams, she left Nick behind. He was her first serious boyfriend and she pictured them as being together forever, but her acting career ended that dream. When she returns to help her sisters restore the cottage, her life is in turmoil. Her former love, Zane was a very popular actor and when his addiction to drugs ended up killing him, social media needed someone to blame so a small group decided to blame Whitney. In Lilac Lake, she begins to re-think her life and decides that she wants to help children. She sets up a children's theater to help give the children in town a chance to grow their artistic side. All of the parents are very happy with her theater except for one father who feels like his son should be playing baseball and not pursuing his dreams. Danger looms with this father but it is overpowered by the danger of the people on social media who want to punish Whitney for the loss of Zane. Along with that, there is a ghost to find in the cottage. Life is in a turmoil and it makes the three sisters become closer as they try to deal with the danger. More important Nick, her old high school boyfriend, still lives in town and there are still sparks between them. Will Whitney leave Hollywood far behind and find her happily ever after in the small town?

This is a great book about sisters (and I love books about sisters) and the love and support between them. It's also a romantic love story with a bit of mystery and a ghost thrown in. I don't know if there are any other books in this series but I'm not ready to say goodbye to these characters so I hope that the author sends us back to the cottage in the future. ( )
  susan0316 | May 12, 2024 |
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Keeping a family promise can be the beginning of a whole new life for everyone in town Whitney Gilford is delighted to be called away from Hollywood where her co-star and former lover, Zane Blanchard, is addicted to drugs and blaming her for his unhappiness. News of her beloved grandmother, GG, giving her and her sisters a cottage on the land of The Lilac Lake Inn is a tremendous relief from the negative publicity about her on social media. In Lilac Lake, helping with the renovation of the cottage, Whitney starts to rethink her entire career. Lilac Lake is full of interesting people, including the man she'd once had a crush on. As she struggles to rediscover the woman she wants to be, Whitney and her two sisters become closer. And when danger arises, threatening the life of the man she's come to love, Whitney realizes what she wants out of a new life. Another of Judith Keim's series books celebrating love and families, strong women meeting challenges, and clean women's fiction with a touch of romance—beach reads for all ages with a touch of humor, satisfying twists, and happy endings.

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