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Grant Writing For Dummies par Beverly A.…

Grant Writing For Dummies (édition 2008)

par Beverly A. Browning

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312287,118 (3.54)2
Business. Nonfiction. HTML:

Write award-winning grant proposals that build organizational capacity!

For nonprofit and for-profit firms alike, grants can be a singular generator of growth and impact. But many leaders are intimidated and confused by the sometimes-complex grant application process. The truth, however, is that anyone can learn to write and send a powerful grant letter with the right help.

In Grant Writing For Dummies, Dr. Beverly Browning draws on over four decades of experience writing grant applications and training grant writers to deliver a comprehensive and easy-to-follow roadmap to drafting and submitting grant applications that get funded. You’ll learn to craft the strongest application possible, find the best sources of funding from online databases, and present a realistic project budget plan.

You’ll also find:

  • Example types of funding requests that demonstrate how to apply the concepts discussed in the book
  • New and updated material walking you through the entire grant-writing process, from beginning to end
  • Writing techniques that capture the imaginations of grant reviewers who decide which applicants walk away empty-handed and which ones receive cash
  • Whether you’re looking to fund your nonprofit, grow your business, or develop your research venture, you’ll find the guidance you need in Grant Writing For Dummies.

    … (plus d'informations)
    Titre:Grant Writing For Dummies
    Auteurs:Beverly A. Browning
    Info:For Dummies (2008), Edition: 3, Paperback, 360 pages
    Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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    Grant Writing for Dummies par Beverly A. Browning

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    Probably very useful for non-profits but less helpful in academia. I suspect the 2005 version is out of date by now in a lot of ways, but it still had some good tips. ( )
      Sennie_V | Mar 22, 2022 |
    Comprehensive resource for grant seekers, includes information on federal grant applications, as well as private and foundation donors. ( )
      LeadershipLibrary | Jul 26, 2007 |
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    Business. Nonfiction. HTML:

    Write award-winning grant proposals that build organizational capacity!

    For nonprofit and for-profit firms alike, grants can be a singular generator of growth and impact. But many leaders are intimidated and confused by the sometimes-complex grant application process. The truth, however, is that anyone can learn to write and send a powerful grant letter with the right help.

    In Grant Writing For Dummies, Dr. Beverly Browning draws on over four decades of experience writing grant applications and training grant writers to deliver a comprehensive and easy-to-follow roadmap to drafting and submitting grant applications that get funded. You’ll learn to craft the strongest application possible, find the best sources of funding from online databases, and present a realistic project budget plan.

    You’ll also find:

    Example types of funding requests that demonstrate how to apply the concepts discussed in the book New and updated material walking you through the entire grant-writing process, from beginning to end Writing techniques that capture the imaginations of grant reviewers who decide which applicants walk away empty-handed and which ones receive cash

    Whether you’re looking to fund your nonprofit, grow your business, or develop your research venture, you’ll find the guidance you need in Grant Writing For Dummies.


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