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Lucy Burdette's Kitchen: Recipes and Stories from the Key West Food Critic Mysteries (A Key West Food Critic Mystery)

par Lucy Burdette

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225,380,446 (4)2
Récemment ajouté parjfe16, LadyoftheLodge

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Review of e-Book

“Lucy Burdette’s Kitchen” is filled with delicious recipes, each group with excerpts from the Key West Food Critic Mysteries book where they originally appeared. The author offers comments as necessary in order for the reader to be successful in creating the recipes.

Here readers will find a variety of recipes for Breakfast, Drinks, Appetizers and Hors D’oeuvres, Soups and Stews, Side Dishes, Main Courses, and Desserts. There’s even a bonus Key West Food Critic short story with its own special recipe.

Readers who enjoy the Key West Food Critic stories as well as those looking for interesting and unique recipes will find much to appreciate in this delightful companion to the author’s mystery series.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book from Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#LucyBurdettesKitchen #NetGalley ( )
  jfe16 | Apr 9, 2024 |
This book contains recipes as well as short synopses from the Lucy Burdette series of culinary mysteries set in Key West. Since the main character is a food critic, there are recipes for each book that tie in with the stories. Readers who enjoy cooking unique dishes will find this book to be a fun addition to their cooking repertoire. It is not necessary to have read the mystery novels in order to enjoy reading and using the recipes, although readers of this series will find the recipes add interest to their reading. For those unfamiliar with the series, this book may provide incentive to read the books!

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions included here are my own. ( )
  LadyoftheLodge | Apr 3, 2024 |
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