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Secrets and Wishes

par Kathleen Rouser

Séries: Stone Creek Brides (2)

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"Determined widow Maggie Galloway dreams of a peacefule life and a successful business. And winning the Silver Leaf Flour Company baking contest could be the key to that success. She even has a chance at a prestigious position through a dashing former beau. But when her son gets into a fight with the local pharmacist's son, Maggie's peaceful life is derailed."--… (plus d'informations)

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This is a delight to read. Two people who lost a partner and have children. Unruly boys can be normal on a family. Maggie dreams of a successful bakery business. Could have had it but didn't want it Giles Prescott's way. She had to make a choice. Thomas who is a Pharmacist and lost his wife. He has four children. Maggie has one. He gets very ill. Maggie nurses him back to health. Maggie desires God's leading in her life. Families touched. I highly recommend. ( )
  squiresj | Aug 9, 2024 |
Welcome to book two in the Stone Creek Brides series where I was glad to see Maggie get her own story after being a lesser character in book one. You will become immersed in 1901 Stone Creek Michigan and won’t want to leave. As a widow with a young child trying to navigate life and find the way God has planned for her, Maggie wants to open a bakery. Her plans get derailed when a widowed pharmacist and his four ornery children move to town and turn her well laid plans topsy turvy. Maggie and Thomas butt heads and the children create chaos that makes for a great story that gives you several laughs amidst the seriousness of losing your spouse and trusting God in the difficulties that follow. I love the town folk, the characters, and the way the story flows and sweeps you right into Stone Creek. A great historical tale that leaves you anticipating the next book. I highly recommend.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required. ( )
  Lucy_M_Reynolds | Mar 2, 2024 |
I enjoyed following Maggie on her journey of making a new life for herself after her husband passes away. It was interesting to read about a pharmacist during this time period. Maggie’s husband has taught her a lot about medicine while they were married. Now that he is gone she has to rely on the local pharmacist in town. There is a slight problem though when her son and his son have a fight. It is hard to swallow our pride sometimes.

Thomas has his hands full with all his kids running around out of control that not even their housekeeper can control them. He is left on his own trying to run the pharmacy, set up the soda fountain, take care of his kids when they get the measles and deal with Maggie who is upset. I liked how the author brought these two together when Thomas becomes very ill and Maggie is asked to help. It is the perfect solution since she is familiar with medicines but will they be able to get along?

There are moments in the story that reminded me of a movie with Doris Day in it. The kids try everything they can to make this strange lady leave, but she is determined to get the upper hand. All she needs to do is show them love , grace and understanding. The boys in this story were exasperating at times but Maggie knows what is really going on. They are missing their mother.

I loved the baking contest in the story and hints of a romance blossoming between two unlikely people. With faith as the front runner, this story is sure to please those who love historical fiction. The children are the highlight in this book as we see how losing a parent can affect them. They need love and encouragement as they deal with their grief.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | Feb 28, 2024 |
Set in 1901 Michigan, this wonderful novel highlights what the world was like before medicine was regulated. Natural remedies were the base of many of the ‘cures’ that were circulated among the people. Doctors and pharmacists were just being introduced to various pills that could replace some of those remedies, however, their potency was sometimes in question. Unfortunately there were swindlers who rode into town with their ‘medicine show’ to entertain and sell their famous tonics to the unsuspecting public. But those tonics didn’t really kill anyone, did they?

A most enjoyable story of a pharmacist and a pharmacist’s widow who seem to be on a course to save the town - but only if they can get along long enough to do so.

I received this ARC through Wild Heart Books and BookFunnel. These thoughts are my own and were in no way solicited. ( )
  Eamace | Feb 27, 2024 |
Secrets and Wishes is a follow-up to Rumors and Promises and deals with making a fresh start after a spouse has died. Maggie became a widow when her husband died, leaving her to raise their son alone. Thomas's wife has died and he is trying to raise their three sons and daughter alone while trying to build the pharmaceutical business Maggie's husband left behind.

When Maggie's son and one of Thomas' sons clash, it causes friction between the two. Between illness, a beau from the past, and an epidemic, Thomas and Maggie have to learn to work together and attempt to put their hearts back together while trying to hold together their family and their town. This historical romance set in 1901 shows the challenges that arise from trying to rebuild lives and make a future. Kathleen Rouser does an excellent job of conveying historical times. ( )
  PattiP1992 | Feb 25, 2024 |
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"Determined widow Maggie Galloway dreams of a peacefule life and a successful business. And winning the Silver Leaf Flour Company baking contest could be the key to that success. She even has a chance at a prestigious position through a dashing former beau. But when her son gets into a fight with the local pharmacist's son, Maggie's peaceful life is derailed."--

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