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Psychedelics: The Revolutionary Drugs That Could Change Your Life―A Guide from the Expert

par Professor David Nutt

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1411,482,130 (4.33)Aucun
We are on the cusp of a major revolution in psychiatric medicine and neuroscience. After fifty years of prohibition, criminalisation and fear, science is finally showing us that psychedelics are not dangerous or harmful. Instead, when used according to tested, safe and ethical guidelines, they are our most powerful newest treatment of mental health conditions, from depression, PTSD, and OCD to disordered eating and even addiction and chronic pain. Professor David Nutt, one of the world's leading Neuropsychopharmacologists, has spent 15 years researching this field and it is his most significant body of work to date. In 2018, he co-founded the first academic psychedelic research centre - underpinned by his mission to provide evidence-based information for people everywhere. It revived interest in the understanding and use of this drug in its many forms, including MDMA, ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, LSD and ketamine. The results of this have been nothing short of ground-breaking for the future categorisation of drugs, but also for what we now know about brain mechanisms and our consciousness. At a time where there is an enormous amount of noise around the benefits of psychedelics, this book contains the knowledge you need to know about a drug that is about to go mainstream, free from the hot air, direct from the expert. Are you ready to change your mind?… (plus d'informations)

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An absolutely brilliant guide to the new revolution in the psychiatry, which is the use of magic mushrooms and other psychedelics in order to lift in particular depression. It is the neuroscience behind this. That really is so promising and exciting. It could potentially be the biggest breakthrough in psychiatry in the last 50 years. This makes an enormous Expectation on molecules that have been with us in various different forms for millennia. It is interesting what David Knut says about elements of Christianity and how religion may have basis for some of its rituals in Psilocybe in use. The research is promising. The subject as controversial as you might expect. A really good book. The only reason I gave it four stars was there were times when Professor nut was not easy to hear, and I had to rewind the audiobook slightly. ( )
  aadyer | Mar 14, 2024 |
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We are on the cusp of a major revolution in psychiatric medicine and neuroscience. After fifty years of prohibition, criminalisation and fear, science is finally showing us that psychedelics are not dangerous or harmful. Instead, when used according to tested, safe and ethical guidelines, they are our most powerful newest treatment of mental health conditions, from depression, PTSD, and OCD to disordered eating and even addiction and chronic pain. Professor David Nutt, one of the world's leading Neuropsychopharmacologists, has spent 15 years researching this field and it is his most significant body of work to date. In 2018, he co-founded the first academic psychedelic research centre - underpinned by his mission to provide evidence-based information for people everywhere. It revived interest in the understanding and use of this drug in its many forms, including MDMA, ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, LSD and ketamine. The results of this have been nothing short of ground-breaking for the future categorisation of drugs, but also for what we now know about brain mechanisms and our consciousness. At a time where there is an enormous amount of noise around the benefits of psychedelics, this book contains the knowledge you need to know about a drug that is about to go mainstream, free from the hot air, direct from the expert. Are you ready to change your mind?

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